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Meet Grace: A Scholarly Campus Celebrity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

This week’s campus celebrity is Grace Gasaway, a junior at the University of Iowa. On top of trying to get through college like the rest of us, Grace likes to be involved in and help out with the University of Iowa community. She is currently the vice president of organization of her sorority, and is a Dance Marathon donator and dancer. Previously, she was a volunteer in the cardiovascular intensive care unit for one semester, and in the pediatric specialty clinic for two semesters, both at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Grace likes to help people, and one day hopes to do so for a living. 

She is this week’s campus celebrity, because she has worked so hard for the past two years to fulfill her dream of one day becoming a nurse. With the pressure of getting good grades and staying involved, Grace had to add on the stress and uncertainty of being accepted into the nursing school here at the University of Iowa. Her hard work paid off and she was officially accepted into the Iowa School of Nursing this past July of 2014. (Congrats!) Here is some advice from Grace on how to handle college, while striving to get a degree in a program where acceptance isn’t guaranteed and stress levels are high.

How did you deal with the academic pressure of trying to get accepted into nursing school during your first two years at Iowa?

“Right from the beginning, I had to find a good balance between school and my social life. I had no other choice than to stay on track and get the grades I needed. I pretty much always had to find options for extra help, such as supplemental instruction, going to see my professor, etc.. If I wasn’t on top of things at all times, I would have to seek out extra help and make sure I didn’t fall behind.”

What advice can you give others who are struggling to get accepted into the program of their dreams, or are too intimidated and do not know where to start?

“Definitely don’t be discouraged, especially if you get one bad grade or do bad on one assignment. You have to stick through the process. Changing your major right away is not the answer. Always seek help, because that’s what college is about! I put way too much pressure on myself and it was a lot more than I needed to. Make sure you are finding that balance between school, your friends and yourself. Don’t hold back, and let yourself experience college. It’s only four years.”

If you had time to join another activity at Iowa, what would it be and why?

“It would be Best Buddies. I have always loved working with people with special needs. It’s nice to surround yourself around people who don’t take life for granted. I have volunteered with Best Buddies for four years in the past, and it is definitely something I miss.”

What are a few things you do in order to relieve some stress when you are feeling swamped?

“I like to wake up early and get a lot done. I go to the Rec, walk around campus and get a coffee. When I’m super stressed, I like to do things alone, so I can clear my head.”

Thank you so much to Grace for showing us that with hard work and balance, your dreams can be accomplished. It is super important to stay on top of schoolwork, but it is also important to be involved in other activities on campus. Clearing your head and staying stress-free is the key to a healthy and successful college experience!


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