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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Name: Kyle Noser

Nickname: Noser


Hometown: Highlands Ranch, CO

Astrological Sign: Aries

Major/Minor: Engineering Major/ Math Minor

Favorite Disney Original Movie: Alladin

Favorite pickup line: Excuse me, is your name Gillette? cause you’re the best a man can get

Favorite late night food in Iowa City: Falbos…no question

Favorite childhood book: Harry Potter

My friends make fun of me for… Being a fish (I’m a swimmer)

I really like it when a girl… Doesn’t need makeup to be good looking

My first date was at…The movies watching Insidious

If I had to chose one song to listen to on repeat for a year it would be..Drink in my hand Eric Church, or anything country.

I’m completely terrified of… Heights.

Ten years from now I hope to… Not be fat or bald like my old man.

If I could have a bromance with any celebrity it would be…Luke Bryan, he’s the man.

I can’t leave the house without my… Phone,wallet,keys,and a pencil

The Avengers or Batman? Avengers

Chipotle or Pancheros? Chipotle

What is your biggest pet peeve? Really negative people.

Which actor would play you in a movie about your life? Adam Sandler

Full time English/Studio Arts major, Full-time visionary. Native Chicagoan and a true city girl. In love with love and a frequent contributing writer for the HC-UIowa Modern Love column(however not frequent enough). Current endeavor?  Proud Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus UIowa, I am progressively expanding the chapter's reach through creative, fun, and informative content with a unique publication voice. I also have published content for diffrent on-line and print media. I love everything HC, but when I am not writing, editing, or publishing I am trying out the latest health trends in fitness and food, hanging out with friends, or fueling a bad habit of on-line shopping. Future endeavor? Editor-in Chief of a magazine something like Glamour, Cosmo, or Self. Want to keep up with me? Follow me on Twitter @EllandreaM