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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

We all know Dance Marathon: we know it by the resounding chanting of FTK that is heard (and seen) all over campus, we inevitably know at least one person involved, and we know that it broke records this year by raising over $1.8 million.

But this event, as dancers know, is a yearlong commitment, not only to raising money, but to supporting families impacted by cancer.

Julia Cartwright, a junior here studying Human Physiology with minors in German and Global Health, is a frequent volunteer at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, specifically the pediatric inpatient and palliative care units.

What is your role in Dance Marathon? Why did you become involved?

I was a Morale Captain for Dance Marathon 20, and I have been involved for three years. I first became involved with Dance Marathon because someone very close to me battled cancer and I saw the importance of her support system throughout her treatment. Dance Marathon is unique in that we don’t just financially support our families, we provide them with a network of support which is so valuable. I wanted to be a part of this and be able to provide that support to others who needed it. After my first year I kept coming back because these kids are so incredibly inspiring. They have been through things I can’t even imagine but are still the most positive people I know who just embrace life. They really help put things into perspective.

What are your career goals? In what ways have they been influenced by DM?

I have known for a long time that I want to become a surgeon. I always thought I would be working with adult patients, but my involvement with Dance Marathon has given me a whole different perspective. Dance Marathon definitely made me realized how fulfilling it is for me to work with kids and be able to see them grow and live full lives beyond their illness.


Your artwork is pretty incredible, where does your interest/enjoyment in that come from?

Thanks! I have always been interested in art since I was very little. In middle school and high school I took a couple art classes and I kind of just went off that foundation and taught myself the rest. For me, art is the most perfect way for me to relax and completely get away from the world. When I draw that’s when I do a lot of reflection about life; I consider it almost meditative. Most of the work that I do is portraiture and I typically work with graphite or colored pencil. Recently I have started painting with acrylics and I really enjoy that as well. 



Photo Source: Julia Cartwright via Facebook 

A like longs walks on a short plank. 
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