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Iowa’s Best Kept Secret: Flex Meals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

So it’s not that big of a secret, but to some it is. When you purchase a Black or Gold Meal Plan through the University of Iowa, you automatically get 75 flex meals that you can use at any on-campus retail location when you swipe your student ID. If you ever get tired of eating at the dining halls or are on the go, it’s a great option to have when you’re low on cash and don’t want to go out to eat.

What you can get with a Flex meal swipe is one entrée, two sides and a drink. Some popular places students go include the River Room Café, located in the first floor of the IMU, and the “Food for Thought” Café, located on the first floor of the Main Library. The River Room Café offers meals like pasta, stir fry and deli sandwiches, while “Food For Thought” has bottled pops or chips that are flex meal eligible. 

I know a lot of new students don’t know about this option, and once they do, it’s like you uncovered some college treasure. Plus, you could always take your meal home and have leftovers. So if you’re sick of eating in the dining halls or are on the go, flex meals are the way to go. Break free from stereotypical dorm food and treat yo’self.

Not all dining locations on campus accept flex meals, but you can check out where they do on the dining website. Items also vary from location to location, but those that are eligible have a “flex meal” tag next to their price list.

For days, times and additional information, you can check out the updated Iowa Dining website

Amy is currently a senior at the University of Iowa majoring in Journalism and Mass Communication, minor in political science with certificates in Event Planning and Entrepreneurial Management and HC UIowa's Trouble Maker. Her dream job is to work in Public Relations or Event Planning and plans to also become a lawyer, like the 9 years old Amy planned. Whenever she's not writing articles, she's usually online shopping, binging on Netflix, or laughing at her own jokes. Midwestern Prep with the worst luck in the world, you can keep track of her worst case scenarios on Twitter.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.