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Invisible Boyfriend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

In January 2015 a new website was released that could change the dating game forever. With the release of www.invisibleboyfriend.com, ladies now have the ability to create and date the man of their dreams.

How it works:

            For $24.99 a month, you can build your very own perfect man. You get to decide every aspect of their lives including their name, their height, their age, their personality traits and a back-story of how the two of you met. You then get to decide what they look like by picking from a variety of pictures.

            After signing up and paying, your invisible boyfriend will send you texts, leave you voicemails and even write you letters. The company will take the personal qualities you’ve applied to your boyfriend and use them to create a persona that fits your standards in order to guarantee a successful relationship.

The Purpose:

            The startup company, based out of St. Louis, created this app in order for people to be able to provide social proof that they are in a committed relationship.

Who Should Use This:

            When creating the site, the company had a variety of customers in mind:

            -People who are sick of the dating scene

            -People who aren’t comfortable sharing their sexuality with others

            -People who are sick of their friends and family bothering them about being single

            -People who want to practice their communication skills

            -People who are sick of being hit on by creepy people

Who You’re Really Talking To:

            The company has a team of people that take on different boyfriend personas and communicate with the subscriber. Often times, you will be messaging multiple people at once.

U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.