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How to: Walk like the World is Your Runway

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Runway divas have confidence, poise, and are undeniably beautiful. We admire them, but in reality, they are not that much different than me and you. Yes, they are endowed with a genetic code that gives them a vertical height of over six feet , but their beauty starts from the inside, which you can harness as well. ‘A new year, a new you’ is everybody’s motto as the days dwindle down on the calendar. With opening your perspective, 2012 will be the year the the world turns into your runway.

Starting on the Inside
You have your own uniqueness. Find it. Just as every international supermodel has a look of their own, you are the only you. Embrace all of the things that make you stand out from the crowd, whether it is your distinctive sense of fashion or a special talent it makes you the person you are.  Respecting all of your “specialness” builds your confidence. Confidence makes you look and feel a lot better. This radiates outward and soon you will be drawing admirers everywhere you go.

Redefine Yourself
Change is something that naturally occurs throughout life, but when you knowingly initiate the change, make sure it is for the right reasons. You are only successful when you commit to a goal and find a drive from the inside. That’s how those models get on the runway and that’s how you become the ultimate you. You will always be criticized and advised, but I find that you have to take the good with the bad and figure out what is best for you. Whatever your goal is, whether it be to lose weight, change your personality, or something else make a decision and do it in your own time.  You should work hard to make self-improvements that you believe in and others will follow.

Bringing it all Into Perspective
Remember it does not all happen overnight, so be very patient with yourself. You are only as awesome and beautiful as you believe yourself to be.

Oscar De La Renta

Full time English/Studio Arts major, Full-time visionary. Native Chicagoan and a true city girl. In love with love and a frequent contributing writer for the HC-UIowa Modern Love column(however not frequent enough). Current endeavor?  Proud Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus UIowa, I am progressively expanding the chapter's reach through creative, fun, and informative content with a unique publication voice. I also have published content for diffrent on-line and print media. I love everything HC, but when I am not writing, editing, or publishing I am trying out the latest health trends in fitness and food, hanging out with friends, or fueling a bad habit of on-line shopping. Future endeavor? Editor-in Chief of a magazine something like Glamour, Cosmo, or Self. Want to keep up with me? Follow me on Twitter @EllandreaM
Emily is a junior at the University of Iowa and is studying Journalism and Pre-Law with a minor in Health Communication. She has been a part of the Her Campus University of Iowa team since it was founded in 2010 and is a member of Ed on Campus. She has grown to love magazine writing and editing and if she somehow can't land her dream job (to be Carrie Bradshaw), she wouldn't mind settling for a job in the magazine industry. If nothing else, she hopes to attend law school somewhere in the Bay Area out West, her favorite place to be. Since the age of 15, Emily spent her summers in California, doing internships and falling in love with San Francisco. Some of her other interests include her 4-month-old longhaired wiener dog Henry, blogging, celebrity gossip, sushi, Private Practice, fro-yo, being a journalism nerd, and anything involving good conversation with good people. Although she's not exactly sure of her plans for the future, she knows journalism will somehow be the driving force in her career.