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How To: Stay Warm During the Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

As all of us Hawkeyes know, Iowa winters can be brutal, especially for the out of state students that have never experienced one. There are many ways to stay warm this winter season and here are just a few:

  1. BIG Coats – Light coats are never going to keep you warm enough so I suggest getting a big Columbia or North Face jacket. These coats may be expensive but they will last you for years to come and be well worth your money.
  2. Wear LOTS of Layers – If you wear layers to class, the walk will be much easier in the freezing outdoor. The thing about layers is once you’re inside in the heat, you can take off what you don’t need. This also gives you a chance to show off more of your clothes.
  3. Gloves, Scarves, Hats, OH MY! – Scarves are not only fashionable but also a necessity in the snow along with a hat or earmuffs and gloves to keep your fingers toasty warm. They may be a nuisance, but you won’t regret them.
  4. BOOTS – As you may have noticed, Ugg Boots emerge all over campus when the leaves start to fall but they really are better used in the snow. While some boots are extremely fashionable you may want to go for practical with warmth and protection from the snow and slush that will stay in Iowa City for months to come.
  5. Coffee Shops – There are numerous coffee shops, too many to count, that give you a safe resting place to wait between your classes and warm up with a drink. Try going to Java House or T’spoons in the mall to get a hot winter beverage. It’s the perfect pitstop!
  6. Take the Bus – Be sure to use your resources and jump on a Cambus from time to time. They are there for your use and definitely worth waiting for when needing to cross the river or get across town. The city buses are also cheap and can get you where you are going fast. To help you find one use BONGO, the app on smartphones that you can text or use to know when the next bus is coming to your stop.
  7. Warm up @ the IMU – The IMU is open 24 hours a day and a great place to get out of the winter weather for a while and eat or study. There are plenty of nooks to get comfortable with a book.

There are plenty of ways to stay out of the cold and warm up so be sure to use these places, get some warm clothing and don’t be afraid to wear tons of layers! Don’t be discouraged and stay inside all day. Bundle up and get to those classes! 

Brrrr! Iowa City winters are brutal!

Emily is a junior at the University of Iowa and is studying Journalism and Pre-Law with a minor in Health Communication. She has been a part of the Her Campus University of Iowa team since it was founded in 2010 and is a member of Ed on Campus. She has grown to love magazine writing and editing and if she somehow can't land her dream job (to be Carrie Bradshaw), she wouldn't mind settling for a job in the magazine industry. If nothing else, she hopes to attend law school somewhere in the Bay Area out West, her favorite place to be. Since the age of 15, Emily spent her summers in California, doing internships and falling in love with San Francisco. Some of her other interests include her 4-month-old longhaired wiener dog Henry, blogging, celebrity gossip, sushi, Private Practice, fro-yo, being a journalism nerd, and anything involving good conversation with good people. Although she's not exactly sure of her plans for the future, she knows journalism will somehow be the driving force in her career.