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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

I like sleep, and I like to relax, which is why you won’t see me getting up extra early to look nice unless it’s absolutely required of me. I religiously wear leggings to the point that I can’t remember the last time I wore jeans. However, I do enjoy appearing like I attempted to look like a normal human being every day, so I have slowly taught myself how to look as if I am trying.

And I know I’m not the only girl like this. There are tons of accessories or pieces of clothing that can be added to any basic outfit that gives it some extra oomph.

1. Denim Jacket

Adding a denim jacket over any basic t-shirt and yoga pants combination instantly gives it a laid-back feel while still maintaining an “I tried today” look.

2. Flannels

Ah, the go-to flannel. Once again, add it over a t-shirt, and you’re good to go for the day. There are so many varieties of flannels that you could easily have these become a wardrobe staple. 

3. Beanies

Beanies are magical. Not only can they pull an outfit together, but they can cover up your hair if it’s one of those I-don’t-have-time-for-a-shower days. 

4. Boots

Adding boots instead of your gym shoes or your Birks can add some toughness to an outfit. With all the different kinds of boots, there’s no way you won’t find something that doesn’t go with your outfit.


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Rachel Green is a senior Journalism and Mass Communication Major at the University of Iowa. She is also earning two minors in Sport and Recreation Management and Spanish and a certificate in Creative Writing. She serves at Her Campus Iowa's Senior Editor, and is a member of Iowa's editorial team. When she's not working on something for Her Campus, she can be found studying in the library, doodling in her sketchbooks or curling up with a cup of tea and a book.  
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.