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Have Fun Staying Sober this Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Spring break is right around the corner, and in college, that means chill darties and wild parties. But if you’re staying home this break or are just not about the PCB party scene, there are still sooo many things you can do during spring break that don’t involve alcohol and other drugs. Keep yourself busy over break by trying one of these ideas!

Movie marathon

Spring break is the perfect time to relax! Gather your girls, your cat, your mom, whoever, and make some popcorn. Settle in to start (and/or finish) that Netflix series or pop in that movie you’ve been dying to see. Can’t decide on a movie? For Hollywood.com’s ultimate movie bucket list, click here.

Work out

While spring break is good for a little R & R, it is also the perfect time to get fit, physically and mentally. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym; walk the dog, meditate, or take a few laps around the mall (yes, shopping IS cardio). You can even work out while you veg out! Check out these TV show work outs.

Go to the city

Or somewhere you’ve never been before. Now is the time to fufill your wanderlust! Whether you take a day trip to the city, adventure in a local park, or take time to see your own town in a new way, exploring somewhere unfamiliar can get you out of your comfort zone… and provide the perfect back drop for a photo shoot for you and your friends!


When else are you going to get a week-long opportunity to lay in bed and just lay there?

Read a book

And make it something that is not an assignment for school. Reading is a good way to relax while sharpening your mind. For some ideas on books to start with, click here.


Unfortuneatley, professors do not accept the “WE WERE ON A BREAK” phrase from “Friends” (see Season 3 Episode 15). Yes, spring break is for relaxing. But you don’t want to freak out because you forgot about the four papers, two projects and three exams you have the week you get back to school. To avoid stress and anxiety, stay on top of your work.

Get crafty

You know all those ideas on Pinterest you’ve been scrolling through instead of doing your biology homework? Spring break is the perfect time to make that new meal, try that new hairstyle, and do alllll the DIYs! Check out the Her Campus Pinterest page for some ideas.

Catch up with friends

If you’re lucky enough to have your spring breaks align, catch up with friends that you haven’t seen in a while and spend as much time as possible with loved ones. That means coffee dates, lunch dates, snuggle dates and tons of laughs. Any break is a great chance to gossip, giggle, and get to know your friends and family a bit better because you’ve missed them, and it’s guaranteed they’ve missed you just as much, if not more.

McKenzie Story is from Algonquin, Illinois and is studying Journalism and Marketing at the University of Iowa. She is a captain of the UIowa Dance Club and keeps busy by teaching strength training along with dance classes. McKenzie enjoys being surrounded by family and friends and is always up for new adventures. She is excited to be a part of Her Campus and is thankful that her university has such an amazing chapter.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.