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Have the Best Staycation Ever This Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Your friends are jetting off all over the world to party it up for spring break, and you’re stuck at home. With midterms having just finished, you may be asking yourself, “What do I do now?” God knows that it can seem like a super long spring break looking at everyone’s snap stories while you’re at home, but why should you have to suffer? There are so many things that you can do to make it a fun and exciting spring break from home. You don’t have to spend a ton of money either!



I don’t know if the weather permits this where you’re at, but if it does, take advantage of it! Nature is beautiful, and it is important to be in tune with it. Take a hike, go for a run, or even just relax outside and listen to the sounds of nature. I always appreciate going home and looking at all the stars in the night sky that I don’t get to see in the city. The night sky is one of the most beautiful things, and I appreciate it more now that I don’t get to see it as often.


4. D.I.Y.

Bust out your Pinterest and your creative aspirations. Throughout the year we constantly pin endless D.I.Y. projects to save for a rainy day, but there is no better day like the present. You can never have too many canvases for your wall; also if you’re planning to move into an apartment in the near future, you could find old furniture to redo. I have gotten many creative inspirations from the show “Design on a Dime” on HGTV, which leads me to my next “staycation” activity!



You can never watch too much “Friends” or “OTH.” When classes start again, it is hard to find time for your Netflix binges; spring break is the perfect opportunity to get caught up on all the episodes of your favorite shows you’ve been missing. Also, another movie hobby that my mom and I have developed is to go to Wal-Mart and dig through the $5 movie bins for movies we haven’t seen in a super long time or ones that look interesting to us, then we have a movie night to watch them. We have collected a lot of great movies by doing this, and if the movie turns out to suck, which we have gotten before, you only spent $5, so it’s not that big of a deal. Try to pick something that is out of your comfort zone to broaden your horizons.


2. READ.

When was the last time you got to read a book for enjoyment? In high school I was required to read a book of my choice often, which inspired my love for reading. In college with so much work and studying, I never have enough time to read all the books I have on my reading list. Spring break gives you the perfect opportunity to crack open a good book, sit back and enjoy. The book I just finished is “See Me,” the latest Nicholas Sparks book (I highly recommend it!) and I am currently reading “#Girlboss,” by Sophia Amoruso, which is about how a woman started from nothing and developed her own multi-million dollar company. It is truly inspirational and may be the kick in the booty you need to get up off the couch and do some activities on your to-do list.



This is probably the most expensive option, depending on your shopping habits, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. Part of the fun of shopping is looking for the best deals on all the stuff you want. Many spring trends are now available in stores (I have even been able to find some of my favorites on sale!). Devote a day to give back to yourself you deserve it! Hell, you made it through the first half of second semester, what more could you want?


All in all, this spring break does not have to be as lame as you think it will be, and I think it is important to be optimistic about it. This is the last time you can fully relax until the end of the school year, which is stil two months away! So sit back, relax, and give back to yourself. No one deserves to enjoy this break as much as you!

Currently I am a sophomore at the Universtiy of Iowa majoring in Elementary Education. I love writing, especially about how wonderful our campus is! 
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.