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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Have you ever sat back and looked at your overall consumption?  Well, I have; and I’ve taken it to the next level. This past summer, I made the decision to begin going zero-waste—in layman’s terms, I am on a journey to producing no trash whatsoever. Since this lifestyle is so new to me, and I have recently moved back to college, I have encountered many instances where my lack of planning has forced me to produce waste. However, going zero-waste is a learning process and takes more than a single day to accomplish. It is a lifestyle dedicated to conservation and sustainability, while simultaneously enjoying the things that you love. In order to maintain this lifestyle, I’ve made many changes; some of which, I will be sharing with you today.

This is my trash jar!  Someday, I hope to not even produce this much waste within a year!

One of the first major changes I made for this way of life was actually making granola bars instead of purchasing them; really simple, am I right?! (Side note—I am absolutely OBSESSED with granola bars and would eat at least four each day. However, this produces a lot of unnecessary waste, so I had to make a change!) I went to my local grocery store, reusable bag and jars in hand, and made my way over to the bulk section. (Pro Tip: Tear your jars—aka, weigh them before adding in any food items—first.) I purchased my ingredients and headed home to make my delicious and waste-free treats (Side note—the recipe that I used to make these granola bars is Betty Crocker worthy! They literally taste like cookies but are 100x better since they are a healthier option AND require no waste to make. *insert sassy woman emoji here*).

Next, I began packing and bringing my lunch to class to avoid the excessive plastic and styrofoam packaging that the University uses in their meals. Lucky for me, I have also been a huge proponent for reusable containers and have continued this love into college. So, every morning before making my trek to campus, I put together a small lunch to munch on throughout the day that is totally package-free!

I also like to do my shopping in my garage attic and second hand clothes stores located right here on campus!  Even though I have always been a fan of dressing like a replica of my parent’s from the 80s, I am still slowing transitioning to solely investing in new, durable and long lasting pieces, as well as secondhand items instead of purchasing brand new items every couple of months. 

Even as I have strived to make these small changes happen, it has still be hard for me to completely transition. First off, I do not live on my own, so I cannot control the items that enter my house or the amount of packaging that they come wrapped in. So, packaging has been a part of my life, just not by my choice. Once I am able to live on my own, I will start purchasing all of my items in bulk, using reusable containers and bags, as well as sticking to fresh produce and meat. Currently, I am also still using toiletries that are in plastic containers/tubes as well as a plastic toothbrush. Since this is such a slow-going process, once I completely use up these items, I will begin using, making and purchasing package-free/bulk items to use in my daily routine (I.e.: Toothpaste, shampoo, soap, makeup, etc.) I’d also like to invest in a compostable bamboo toothbrush! Now how cool is that?! (Sorry, sustainability get’s me really excited!)

Many of you probably think that this is a hard lifestyle and that only certain people can do it, but that is not true!  Anyone can live this lifestyle; it just takes a little dedication and determination!  The easiest way to begin, is by making small, sustainable changes in your everyday life. So, the next time you reach of that plastic water bottle or single-use item, think twice; you can start reducing your footprint today by simple avoiding items like these!

(If you want more information on going zero waste or if you’re interested in following my journey, check out my Instagram @thesustainablecollegiate!)

Claire is a student at the University of Iowa studying Business Management and Entrepreneurship with a minor in Spanish and a Certificate in Sustainability. She is a self-proclaimed hippie and loves cacti and cats. Claire is low key (and by low key she means high key) OBSESSED with Vampire Diaries and anything vintage - specifically if it's high-waisted. Her future goals include owning a sustainable company and backpacking across Ireland. Join Claire as she brings you on her journey through the cornfields of Iowa ;)
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.