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Going Out with a BANG: How to Approach Your Senior Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Freshman year is the start of something new and wonderful, and “freshies” are full of new blood, optimism and ignorance about the horrible world that is about to crush them.  By the time these same freshman become seniors, they have blood of steal, realistic expectations (sometimes expectations that are even too low) and, unfortunately, very little ignorance about the horrible world.

No matter how ready you are to graduate and move onward, here are some tips for finishing your senior year just as hard (or maybe harder) than you started your freshman year.  Go out with a bang!!!

1.  Go beyond your comfort zone a few times.  Who knows, you might just enjoy it.  Maybe you don’t usually like parties or trying new things.  Go to some and try some.  Maybe you are a huge party person but hate staying in and chilling, try it.  Do something you would never see yourself doing.

2.  You might be more of an introvert, but when your friends ask you to hang out, no excuses! They are in your life for a reason. Start realizing that they can have more fun with you than without you.

3.  Go to your rec center/gym because soon you’re gonna have to start paying to go to one of those (and that gets harder when you’re working eight hours a day, and Netflix and a bottle of wine are waiting at home).  

4.  If you don’t want to go to the gym but want to work out, start working out at home.  Don’t have the equipment?  There are ways to get around that! Example: use a buddy as a weight.

5.  Don’t wait until the last minute to job hunt. Because it is fricken hard to get one…well at least a good one. And you don’t wanna hate your job so much that you turn into this guy at work:

6.  Don’t get caught up in the drama. It’s your senior year. You have to use your limited time wisely, and the drama is not on your list of priorities.

7.  Stop accepting excuses (or making them) when people treat you like crap! Why are you taking that? No seriously…why?

8.  Dance like nobody is watching. Kick off your Sunday shoes.

9.  And eventually, come May, all those all-nighters, exams, curved grades, multiple choice questions that are so confusing that they make you question your existence and those long days spent in the library or locked in your room with homework is over…

But even though you’ve been waiting years for it, you’re probably gonna miss it. ‘Cause let’s be real. Who is ready for the real world?

It’s okay, though, cause there are still eight months until May! Take these tips to heart, and relax.


U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.