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Girl on the Move-Jennifer Lawrence

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.


Girl on the Move- Jennifer Lawrence

            There is no doubt that our society tends to focus on the lives of celebrities until we have reached the minutest aspects of their personal lives. These obsessions like, what celebs are wearing or how much espresso is in their Starbucks latte is a byproduct of fame and as we know, cause most celebs to go a little nutty (Britney Spears downward spiral of ’07, anyone?)  But of course, this is their job and it is exactly what they signed up for.  However, one young lady breaks the mold, the Academy Award and Golden Globe winning actress by the name of Jennifer Lawrence.
            To say the least, Jennifer Lawrence has had an amazing last few years. Not just with her acting successes but with keeping her claim to fame- her personality. Rising from starring in Independent films to box busters like The Hunger Games and Silver Linings Playbook Lawrence has still managed to stay down to earth and even make witty remarks about Hollywood and the stereotypical attitudes that come with fame. “I’m now one of those people everyone hates because my face is all over the magazines, like ‘here I am! BAM!’ how annoying.”
            Now, with all this fame and fortune we automatically assumed that Jennifer Lawrence belongs to the pretentious stigma, but, that couldn’t be less true. Her vibrancy and imperfections in interviews proves that she is as down to earth as they come. Whether it was her graceful fall up the stairs to receive her Oscar, or just her overall brutally honest demeanor, proves that Lawrence knows better than to take her job too seriously. Being the star of a hit trilogy aimed at young adults, a job she does take very seriously is that as a role model. With the rising epidemic of teenage eating disorders in girls, she also makes an effort to make it clear that most pictures in magazines are photo shopped, especially of her. Jennifer tells Entertainment Weekly, “I’m never going to starve myself for a part… I don’t want little girls to be like, ‘Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I’m going to skip dinner. That’s something I was really conscious of during training, when you’re trying to get your body to look exactly right.”
            Jennifer Lawrence’s quirks continue to brighten up newsfeeds on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. Memes and compilation videos on YouTube of all of her funny moments on talk shows and red carpets have become a new craze that leaves viewers with a pain in their side.
This girl is beauty and brains, with a golden personality to match.

Gabby is a junior at the University of Iowa, working towards her double major in Communication Studies and Anthropology with a minor is Psychology. She is originally from LaSalle, Illinois and enjoys writing, traveling, and fashion.