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A Collegiate’s Guide to Sticking to your Rez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

How is it already almost February? By now the hype of the New Year has long passed and chances are you already have your sights set on Valentine’s Day and spring break. But hold up. Let’s take a second to check in on those New Years resolutions you swore you would keep just one short month ago. Still holding true? It’s easy to neglect your rez so let’s take a look at a few simple ways to stick it out.

Write them down

If you haven’t already done so, write them down. It’s one thing to say you’re going to follow through, but putting it in writing makes for a physical copy of your goal. There’s no backing out now!


Have a game plan

By now we’re all sick of hearing about SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely), but your professors are right; especially when it comes to the concept of attainability. To make sure you’re staying on the path to achieve your goal, make a step-by-step game plan of how you’re going to attain it. I’d recommend writing it down (maybe even in a check list format) so that you can check things off as you achieve them. Cause what’s more satisfying than crossing things off your to-do list?


Inspiration board

An inspiration board is the perfect way to keep yourself motivated. Find (or buy) a cheap piece of poster board or a bulletin board and literally pin any photo or memento that inspires you to keep on truckin’. It’s pretty much a real life version of Pinterest. Hang it somewhere where you constantly have to look at so that your goals are never too far out of your mind.


Have a buddy

Nothing holds you more accountable than a dedicated friend. Having someone to keep checking in on your progress is a great way to stay on track. Plus, if they have the same resolution as you, a little healthy competition never hurt anyone.


Reward yourself along the way

Lastly, and most importantly, treat yoself! Set landmarks within your big goals that warrant rewards. This makes what could be a grueling process, a little bit more enjoyable. We all love an excuse to gift ourselves but it feels that much better when you’ve actually earned it.


So what are you waiting for? Good luck and happy 2015!

U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.