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Campus Cutie: Jenny Chau

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Major? Computer Science

Age? 22

Hometown? Champaign, IL

What are some of your hobbies? I go to a lot of shows, I went to a few music festivals. And sometimes I like to paint, go out. Shopping.

What’s your favorite drink? That’s a hard one. Probably strawberry mojitos, but it has to be perfect on the mint. And beer. I love beer.

What are traits you look for in a partner? I’m in to a variety of guys, so I’m not really picky. I like what I like. Of course the typical: he has to have a sense of humor and a personality.

What’s the most romantic things someone’s done for you? Besides the basic taking me out on a date? I’m not picky. But, I did have a guy give me a dead flower for Valentine’s Day. And I went on a date once, dinner and a movie, and the guy cried. Most interesting date ever.

What movie? Insidious.

Celeb Crush?

            Paul Rudd

            Joseph Gordon Levitt

            James Franco

No order, I don’t play favorites. 











Photo Source: Facebook

A like longs walks on a short plank. 
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