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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Name: Abby Lenox

Year: Junior

Hometown: Dixon, IL (Hometown of Ronald Reagan!)

Major/Minor: Communication Studies Major, Sociology Minor

Status: Single & LOVING it!! ;)

Words to live by: I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou

Campus Activities: Going out Thursday through Sunday…and the occasional Tuesday for Dollar You Call-it at Summit…and maybe the occasional Wednesday for Karaoke at Sam’s.. I also serve all you hard partiers at Summit! :) Come visit!

Fun Fact: I tell TA’s I have a twin each year I get asked this question in class.

Favorite Music: I enjoy pretty much anything.. Country music especially during the summer, DMB/Guster/John Mayer/Mumford & Sons while doing homework, Britney Spears/Nicki Minaj/Lil Wayne etc. while pregaming and going out!

Favorite TV Show (s): All of the Real Housewives of every city except DC and Atlanta, Millionaire Matchmaker, The bachelor/ette, Gossip Girl, 90210, the list goes on and on!

Favorite Hawkeye Sport to watch: Football!

Why I chose Iowa: Love the atmosphere, love the beautiful campus, and love that it’s the #4 party school in the nation!

Favorite Hang-out Spot at Iowa: Summit b/c I’m either making a lot of money while I’m there….or spending it too. Ha!

If I could travel anywhere in the world it would be: Australia

My idea of a perfect first date: Fly me to Australia so we can go zip lining and snorkeling. I have high expectations. :)

Peter Frankman is an underclassman at the University of Iowa from Burbank, California. He has a few addictions in his life: writing, reading, heavy metal, Adult Swim, and any movie with zombies. He joined The University of Iowa's Her Campus team as the writer of the "From a Guy's Perspective" articles in January 2011 and hasn't looked back since (except to make sure he doesn't write the same article twice). Peter's a major in both Journalism and Creative Writing and hopes to become a writer in some way, shape or form after he graduates. That or the President of the United States, he hasn't really focused too much to say anything decisive yet... or maybe he has, we're not quite sure. If he had to choose a night of guilty pleasures it would include the Beastie Boys, Monster Import: Light, Zebra Cakes, and a marathon of subpar movies that he thinks are amazing (Blade, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Fast and the Furious, etc).