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8 Thoughts You Have While in the EPB

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

It’s a building almost all of us have taken a class in, whether it was freshman year Rhetoric, or if you’re like me, you’re in there every day because your major requires it. It’s dark, dank and depressing, but it is a monument of our campus. The English-Philosophy building, nicknamed the EPB, is located at the bottom of the Pentacrest and down the street, conveniently near the Rec and the Library, yet nowhere near where any student lives. No matter how many times you have frequented the building, there are common thoughts that probably have crossed your mind as you waited for those dreaded 50 minutes to be up.

1. Are there dead bodies in here?

Those brick walls might be hiding more than they let on…

2. I can’t stop sneezing. The possibility of mold crawling up the wall must be very great.

Pretty sure this building has flooded too many times to count.

3. Why are these windows locked shut?

Enough said.

4. Why are these blinds permanently covering the windows?

Maybe to hide the fact that the windows are locked.

5. Why do these green chairs have wheels on the bottom?

Are you down for a game of bumper chairs after class, Professor?

6. Does the top floor really exist?

Has anyone ever had a class up there?

7. If I had an office in here, there is no way I could ever go to work.

I like being able to see the sun during the day.

8. And of course, how much time is left until I can break out of here?

Congratulations, you’re one more class closer to the last time you will have to walk out of the EPB.

I am a sophomore at the University of Iowa studying English and Communication Studies. My hobbies include writing, running, looking at cute animal memes, and of course, napping.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.