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7 Things Communications Majors Are Tired Of Hearing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

A Communication Studies degree is one that can lead you to a broad scope of opportunities in the workplace, ranging from law to advertising and everything in between. According to Liberty University, “Research reveals that five of the ten qualities that employers look for in employees are communication skills.” (“Important Facts…”, Liberty University).

Although right now we have no clue what type of career title we will have, we receive an education on one of the most valuable majors for interpreting the interactions and experiences in daily life. Speaking with a variety of students in different fields has taught me that there is no such thing as an “easy major” in college. I am proud to be a Hawkeye for the many leading programs offered at this school, one of which is Communication Studies. The University of Iowa’s Department of Communication Studies is ranked one of the best in the nation, reporting, “Our goal is to develop sophisticated producers and consumers of communication who understand how face-to-face, public, and media-based communication messages influence and shape everyday life and public opinion” (“Undergraduate Program”, The University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts & Sciences).

I think I can speak for most other “Comm. majors” when I say that we are sick of being underrated amongst our peers. Here’s some FAQ’s and comments we could do without ever hearing again:

1. Probably the most common: “So…what do you even do with that degree?”

There are careers in business, advertising, public relations, marketing, digital media, human resources, education, law and SO many more! The opportunities are endless.

2. “If I don’t get into my program, I’m just going to do Communications.”

Communications shouldn’t be looked at as the “back up choice.” We work hard, just like any other major.

3. “Oh, so you get to take classes on social media and stuff?”

Sorry to disappoint, but my classes expand far beyond the impact of Facebook on society.

4. “I just picked Communications because it’s the easiest major”

Like I said, there isn’t any easy major in college. 

5. “You’re lucky, I never get to go out”

My brother is an Engineering major, and I stay in doing homework more than he does…

6. “You basically just write a bunch of papers right? Want to write mine?”

We may have to write a lot of papers, but trust me, they aren’t a walk in the park. And no, we don’t want to write yours.

7. And my personal favorite: “So is your job going to be siting on Facebook all day and making statuses?” 

No, just no.

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U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.