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7 Drunk Identities  Your Girl Friends Take On During A GNO

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

There’s nothing more fun than going out with your girl friends for a GNO. On these sacred nights, it seems as if each girl in your squad has a predictable tendency of acting a certain way after having a few too many vodka lemonades. With the help of The Real Housewives of New York housewives, here’s 7 types of identities that each of your friends in your takes on during a GNO.

1. The friend who has to babysit everyone else 

This girl has mother like instincts and looks out for the entire group. She can easily tell when each of you is over served, so makes sure to order the drunk bitches water for the rest of the night and that they gets home safely. The underrated MVP of the group who doesn’t get enough appreciation.

2. The friend who is mainly concerned about finding guys 

This is the girl who probably texted everyone to have a GNO, but in reality, she just wanted an excuse to go out for the purpose of getting attention from frat boys. She’ll end up talking to one the whole night and go home with him. Get it girl, but so much for a GNO? See ya tomorrow when we have to pick your ass up.

3. The friend who starts slurring her words and makes no sense

We all have those friends who just don’t make any sense as the night progresses. She is completely fine, but somehow loses the ability to form complete sentences, which leaves you playing mad libs and just nodding at her so she’ll STFU.  

4. The friend who gets aggressive with everyone for no reason

She’ll be totally chill the whole night and then… BOOM! A trigger went off in her head and all of the sudden, out of nowhere, goes full psycho mode. Her alter ego is out and it ain’t leaving until someone calms her down. Then she’ll act like nothing happened, and you all just have to go along with it to avoid more drama llama.

5. The friend who is always ready to hit the dance floor

This friend usually ends up going missing for a duration of the night, but you’re not worried because you know she’s probably on the dance floor dropping it low to “Ms. New Booty.” 

6. The friend who wants to avoid all of the drama and just have a good time

Whenever conflict arises, this girl is the peace mediator and tells ya’ll to drop it so that everyone can go back to having a grand old time. No tears here.

7. The friend who harasses everyone to drink more 

If you don’t have a drink in your hand, this one will come up and start shit talking you and hyping you up to have another one with her. You’ll give in, like you always do, and end up having an awful hangover the next day. But you don’t have resentment towards her because you don’t hate the player, you hate the game.

No matter what, your squad balances each other out and at the end of the night, it’s always full of good memories, laughs, tears, drunk regretful texts to fuck boys and atrocious pictures that are not going to see the light of day on Instagram. And you’ll do it again the next weekend.

Cheers to good drinks and even better girl friends!


Image Credits: GIF 1, GIF 2, GIF 3, GIF 4, GIF 5, GIF 6, GIF 7

U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.