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3 Things That Make an Iowa Tailgate Perfect

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

There’s only one more thing to count down to now that the school year has started. Classes are already underway, and student orgs are meeting up again, so that only leaves one thing: tailgating season and football. The first game of the season is on September 3, and the campus is excited after last year’s fantastic season. Even though the game is a few days away, there is still time to get everything together for the perfect Saturday afternoon tailgate.

1. Great food

Whether it’s burgers, chili, ribs or hot dogs, there’s an endless supply of great food at any good tailgate. P.S. Calories totally don’t count at tailgates.

2. Cute outfits

Showing your Iowa spirit through your clothing is one of the best ways to do so. There’s no lack of black and gold in Iowa City, so it’s all about who can wear it the craziest and the best.

3. Fun games

Let’s be serious here: playing games takes up a lot of time at tailgates, but they’re most of the fun. With friends or with family, winning isn’t the most important thing — although bragging rights are pretty awesome.

Photos: cover1, 2, 3

Rachel Green is a senior Journalism and Mass Communication Major at the University of Iowa. She is also earning two minors in Sport and Recreation Management and Spanish and a certificate in Creative Writing. She serves at Her Campus Iowa's Senior Editor, and is a member of Iowa's editorial team. When she's not working on something for Her Campus, she can be found studying in the library, doodling in her sketchbooks or curling up with a cup of tea and a book.  
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.