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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

We ALL know that everyone’s favorite part of college is the lecture classes. They’re usually stuffed full of 200+ people, and it’s so loud in there that you can’t hear yourself think. Most people are thinking about anything other than the actual class. Here are 10 thoughts that every student has during their lecture classes:

1. When is this over? I’ve been here for 10 minutes, and it feels like it’s been weeks.

2. I’m starving. I need food. Right now. What should I make for lunch?

3. Why do people dress up for this? Sweatpants are life.

4. Cute boy to the right! Maybe I should have dressed up for this…

5. I could drop out and be a makeup artist…or a famous YouTuber.

6. There are so many people in here I can barely breathe. Does everyone in here have a cold? I am inhaling cough germs by the second.

7. Did the professor just say that this will be on the exam?

8. Must get off Facebook for the sake of how much money I’m paying to sit here.

9. So excited to leave because the nap I’m about to take is gonna be amazing.

10. All of this is gonna be worth it someday…hopefully.

Brooke is a junior at the University of Iowa studying Health and Human Physiology, and she is working towards becoming an ACE certifited personal trainer. She also really enjoys writing, and writes on her blog, Brooke Anderson Fitness. When she isn't in class, at the gym or eating food (specifially brunch), she enjoys anything that has to do with makeup, binge watching The Office, and naps. 
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.