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Top Ten Things Every Cozy College Girl NEEDS to Have on Her Wishlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

As we all know, the winter holidays are almost upon us; and if your family is anything like mine, they want to know what’s on your wishlist. Here are ten things that every college girl needs on her wishlist: 

1. Fleece Lined Memory Foam Slippers 

These slippers would be absolutely perfect for any cold dorm room floors, and they have a nice anti-skid rubber sole that allows for outdoor use so you won’t even have to change your shoes before going outside to pick up your delivery food!

Buy it online here

2. A set of satin pillowcases

Not only will these pillowcases make your bed, and therefore your dorm, look super chic, but they’ll also improve breakage, tangles, and frizz in your hair. They’re super inexpensive on Amazon so they definitely deserve a spot on your wishlist.

Buy it online here

3. Faux fur throw blanket 

These blankets are so warm and cozy while still managing to look elegant. This blanket would go great with your new satin pillowcases. 

Buy it online here

4. FOREO LUNA mini 2 facial cleansing brush 

This brush will make the perfect addition to your skincare routine! It is a little more pricey but it’s said to work for any skin type and helps reduce breakouts and blemishes. 

Buy it online here

5. Inexpensive cold brew coffee maker

Listen, we all know that in college coffee is a necessity, but it can get pretty expensive if you’re spending money on Starbucks every day. That’s why an inexpensive cold brew coffee maker is totally worth the purchase. 

Buy it online here

6. Teddy coat 

If you go to the University of Delaware, you’ve probably seen this coat. Personally, I have one and I LOVE IT!! This jacket is super warm when you’re walking to class on those chilly days, and even just for hanging around in your dorm. 

Buy it online here

7. Gold under-eye collagen masks 

For all those days that you just need an extra boost, these under-eye masks are great for de-puffing, dark circles, fine lines, wrinkles, dryness, and puffy eyes. They also wake up and brighten up fatigued eyes. In addition, they’re vegan, cruelty free, and paraben free. 

Buy it online here

8. An Ice-Roller 

This ice roller is said to help decrease under-eye puffiness, minimize fine lines, shrink the look of pores, and relieve headaches and sore muscles! Another great addition to any morning or nightime routine. 

Buy it online here

9. A hair scalp massager 

Perfect for any girl with thick hair, especially since we all know that college showers don’t have great water pressure. This massager can help you feel like you’re really cleaning your hair. It’s especially great for those that dye their hair a lot and can help remove any excess dye from your scalp!

Buy it online here

10. One line a day journal 

A One Line a Day journal is perfect for anyone who wants to journal but doesn’t always have the time. It’s also super cute because it’s a five-year journal so you can see how you’ve changed day-to-day year-by-year!

Buy it online here

Whether you put one of these things or all of these things on your list, you’re sure to have a much cozier and comfier holiday season. The low cost of a lot of these products also make them great gifts for friends and family. I know that I’ve already put a few of these things on my list!

Caitlin is a Senior at the University of Delaware. Her major is International Relations and she has minors in History, International Business, and Social Justice. When she's not writing for Her Campus you can find Caitlin running around campus (most likely with an iced coffee in hand) or with her friends.
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