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Little Things About College That No One Tells You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

Everyone always tells you how amazing college is and it is the best four years of your life. There are little things that no one ever mentions. They can be good little surprises or some advice to help you. It is better to have an idea of these little things no matter how trivial they may seem then seem like a total freshman who had no idea. 

1. After exams you can just leave!

Unlike high school, once you turn in your test to your professor you can leave. Usually a test takes the whole class time, so the professor will not teach that day, so there’s no point to stay in class. If you finish early, you can go back to your dorm and take a nap or go get a coffee. 

2. Transportation can be a lifesaver!

If your classes are far from your dorm, using buses, bikes or skateboards can save you. No one feels like walking in 30 degree weather at 7 in the morning, so taking the bus is a must. Also bringing a skateboard or bike can get you to class faster and help burn off the Freshman Fifteen. Just don’t crash or be a jerk on your bikes. 

3. Attendance does matter!

Who ever said that professors don’t take attendance or care if you come to class lied. Each professor has a different policy on attendance. Bigger lectures tend to not have attendance taken, but the teacher might have class assignments that make up for it to tell the teacher you were there. Some teachers use clickers to see if you’re in class and some do regular role call. Just showing up class can be part of your grade. 

4. You don’t need to get involved right away!

People always tell you to get involved in college, but transitioning is hard and a lot. Most clubs don’t care when you join as long as you do. Most people join clubs as a sophomore when things are a little more settled and you can enjoy your time. Find a club that really sparks your interest. 

5. Random roommates are a no go!

Living with a roommate can be the best thing or the worst thing. Most schools have a questionnaire or some way to meet a possible roommate who have similar living styles. However, people can lie on these and not be what you expect. Meeting the person face to face to try to understand their personality would probably be the best way to pick your random roommate. Or you may win the lottery and get a random roommate that becomes your best friend. 

College can be very scary for freshmen. Whether these were helpful or something you already knew, good luck and make the most of your experience.

Darby Morgan

Delaware '23

My name is Darby Morgan. I am from Coatesville, Pennsylvania, where I attended Coatesville Area Senior High. I was the school's talaria editor, captain of the track and field team and part of the ping pong club. I love photography, reading and watching Netflix. I am a mathematics major and psychology minor at the University of Delaware.
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