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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Delaware chapter.

Yes my hair is naturally this color and yes I promise to never dye it. Being a ginger comes with its perks and of course, the annoying stereotypes. Every redhead has heard all of them.

1. Let us get this out of the way, the carpet does match the drapes. If yours does (or kinda matches), mine does too. Gingers aren’t some kind of exception.

2. We aren’t all related and our families do not resemble the Weasleys. My dad actually has black hair and my mom has blonde, oops. And I just KNOW you all had to do a Punnett Square in the 7th grade…

3. Red hair does not automatically come with freckles. In the majority of cases, red heads do actually have freckles, but not all are covered head to toe in them.

4. Redheads are not all Irish. The largest redhead population is actually from Scotland. And shockingly they can be from Italy, like me!

5. And yes, we all have seen the South Park episode.

We all appreciate the stereotypes and definitely get a good laugh out of them.


Gina Magliocco

Delaware '21

Gina is a Senior at the University of Delaware and the current President of the Her Campus UDel Chapter  She is an International Relations major with a minor in Public Policy.  She enjoys writing very much and has also been published by "Young Professionals in Foreign Policy." Gina is from Westchester, New York. 
Kaylee is the former President and Editor in Chief for Her Campus at the University of Delaware. She held this title from 2017-2020 and wrote for Penn State's chapter as a contributor prior to this. Now a proud UD class of 2020 alum (B.A. in Public Policy and Writing), Kaylee is completing her Masters in Public Health. Aside from writing, Kaylee was involved in many activities as an undergrad. She wrote for three college publications, was a Blue Hen Ambassador tour guide, worked as a Starbucks barista, and was the Director of Operations for the Model United Nations at UD.