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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Let’s face it- life is awkward. And no matter how hard you try, avoiding embarrassing moments just seems impossible. Luckily, you’re not alone. Her Campus UConn recently asked UConn students to share their biggest “WTF moments” of college and what they told us, falls nothing short of shocking, embarrassing, and flat out strange. Their names may not be included, but their stories are real. Here’s some of our favorites:


Most stories started with a night of drinking…

“Drunk girl walked into my friend’s room, ate all their cinnamon rolls, then left without saying a word.”

“Heard a story where a drunk girl walked into somebody’s room in Northwest and literally just peed in the middle of the room on their carpet and left.”


Some made us realize why we should always lock our doors at night:

“My friends in Busby last semester told me a guy crawled into bed with one of the girls and they had to call the cops, but he left his socks behind… Reasons to lock your door when you sleep.”

“A sleepwalker came into my room, took her socks off, and asked me not to make her leave. Then she went into my bathroom and literally vanished- she wasn’t in the bathroom or my suitemate’s room and I never saw her leave my room. I lock my door when I sleep now.” 


Others made us thankful these things happened to someone else:

“A guy asked me for my number, but it ended up being for a human trafficking app.”

“A girl at the table next to me in the library decided to have a long conversation about her love life on speaker phone with one of her friends.”

“I peed the bed once. I wasn’t even drunk, it was just an accident.”

“I sat through the wrong class on the first day of college because I was too mortified to leave.”

“My bio professor, who I had never spoken to before, called me out BY NAME in a 200+ person lecture for using my phone.  I was mortified.”

“My roommate had a warrant out for his arrest because he slept through his court date for a speeding ticket.”

“One time I was taking a shower at North and you know how the curtains are the only dividers? A used condom drifted into my shower.”


And some will shock us all:

“A woman in my class raised her hand to tell us a story about her great-grandson. I’m all for going back to school, but I just wasn’t expecting that.”

“I was riding orange line up Horsebarn Hill and the girl sitting in front of me pointed out the window to the deer laying in the field and said to her friend ‘Look! Donkeys!’ She was dead serious.”

“My marine bio professor went on a 30-minute rant about why you shouldn’t chemically treat your lawn because it’s bad for breastfeeding.  Then she started talking about aliens. It was a weird day.”

“The first time I came to college and saw people riding unicycles I was like ‘WTF,’ but now I gotta admit, it’s pretty awesome.”

“I came home to my roommate (who I didn’t know very well) shaving her legs in the kitchen”

“A man in my class said if he were a judge he’d let lesbians marry, but not gay men. My professor responded with, ‘That’s why you’re not a judge.'”

At the end of the day, there’s no way around awkward moments so we might as well enjoy them.


Want to see your stories in the next edition of “WTF UConn?”  Message us on our Facebook page with stories you think are WTF worthy!  (All contributions will be kept anonymous in the publication.)






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