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Why a Liberal Arts Degree is not Useless

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

If you are a liberal arts major like I am, you are probably familiar with hearing that a liberal arts degree is useless.  People often ask me “You’re going to school for that?” Then there are others, who try to tell you what they think you should do instead.  People generally tend to recommend the majors that exist only in the mathematical/science realm. Hardly ever will someone try to convince you to get a degree in subjects like English or Philosophy. Why? This is because we live in a society that favors math and science and tends to discredit all other fields. Instead those in liberal arts are deemed unintelligent and believed to be only looking for a simple degree. 

Liberal arts classes are very clearly different from science classes. In a liberal arts course, you may not do an experiment in a lab for hours or solve extensive math problems. You will may not be challenged by equations and formulas that’s for sure. However, this is not to say you will not be challenged, but it will be in a different way. Instead of scribbling down equations, you will be reading, writing and drawing information from what you read. You will be taught at a deeper level not just about concepts, but about applying those concepts to the world itself. More specifically.\, a liberal arts degree makes you …

Become a Better Writer 

Liberal arts courses are generally centered in a lot of reading and writing, which gives you a chance to improve. More specifically, it will help improve your grammar, language and sentence structure as well.  This will help in the future whether you are trying to send a professional email for a potential job or you have to write a recommendation or letter for someone.

Become a Great Speaker 

Not only will your writing be up to par, but also your speaking ability. Liberal arts courses typically require students to do presentations and group projects. These sort of assignments allow one to develop their speaking ability and learn to use effective communication techniques. These skills learned from these classes can help you ace any interview or speech.

Become an Excellent Thinker 

These courses do not just give you information to memorize, but they make you question everything you know and how it came to be. These classes teach you to form your own opinions and come to your own conclusions. This is useful not only in day to day life, but also when faced with a dilemma because being a good thinker leads to being an great problem solver. 

Gain Knowledge and Understanding 

In these courses, through readings and teachings you acquire knowledge on different view points and opinions. This makes you more open and accepting. Those in liberal arts are actually said to work better with others and be less closed off than those educated in other fields. This can help in the future when you need to get along with coworkers or just people in your life in general.

Liberal Arts courses provide one with a lot of knowledge on a wide scope. These skills are not just useful for everyday life, but especially for getting a job. Employers are always eager to find people with excellent communication and writing skills. The world cannot only consist of doctors, biologists, mathematicians and engineers. We also need our writers, teachers, social workers, and more. A major in Liberal Arts is not a death sentence, but a different route to success. With hardwork and determination a liberal arts degree will be not only useful, but an asset.