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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

When I started college, I felt very nervous and unsure of myself, especially when it came to picking a major. I hadn’t the slightest clue of what I wanted to do with my life, and felt intimidated by the people around me. They all know what they want to do with their lives. I thought, Why can’t I be more like them? But the longer I spent in college, the more I realized that that couldn’t be further from the truth. While it appears everyone knows what direction they want to go in life, in reality, they are also still trying to figure everything out too. I know you may feel intimidated by other people who seem to know what majors they want to go into, what career paths they want to pursue, while you’re just trying to figure out how to get through the semester. But the reality is, it’s ok to be undecided!

The reason why I say this is because college is supposed to be a time of exploration in terms of major and careers. It is a time to explore what you want out of life, what you like and don’t like, what you want or don’t want. It is a time to try out different options major-wise and see what fits. Therefore, it’s better to go in with an open mind so you are more open to the opportunities that there are to explore, rather than having all your eggs in one basket and not considering anything else. 

Not only that, but it is way more common than you think to be undecided. According to the University of Bridgeport, an estimated 20-50% of students enter college undecided, and an estimated 75% report having changed their major at least once. So as I said in the beginning, you are hardly alone in being undecided. Plenty of people are in the same boat as you, and are also trying to figure out their lives.

An estimated 20-50% of students enter college undecided, and an estimated 75% report having changed their major at least once

University of Bridgeport

In addition to not being alone, you are not left alone to figure out what major you want by yourself— there are plenty of resources to help you! From your professors, to the Career Center, to the Husky Mentor Network, to ACES, there are plenty of resources on campus that can help you narrow down what major you want. They can provide you with the information you need to make the most informed decision about the majors you are interested in and answer any questions you have. All you have to do is ask.

While the process of finding a major can be overwhelming and difficult, please know that you are not the only one that is experiencing this. Plenty of people in college are going through the same thing, we are all in this together! You have plenty of resources at your disposal, and you are at a time in your life where you are expected to explore what you want. No one said this would be easy, but if you use the resources available to you and ask plenty of questions about careers that interest you, you will be able to find your way. You can do it, I believe in you!

Nicole is a junior at the University of Connecticut studying communication and gerontology. Her hobbies include playing the flute, biking, and drawing.