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A Whole New World (of iOS Emojis)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Earlier today, Apple released the new iOS 9.1 update which fixed bugs and allowed for new Live Pictures, but everyone is talking about the most important update: 150+ new emojis. What a time to be alive! Here are some favorites and why you would use them:

The Nerd Face Emoji

Because now you can finally accurately describe your late-night lib dates with Homer. Plus being a nerd is in now, right?

The Money-Mouth Face Emoji

Because as college students we feel like millionaires on every payday and we needed an emoji to express that.

The Hand-Hugging Face Emoji

Because—actually maybe don’t use this one, it’s kind of creepy; or use it to scare away your friends.

The Thermometer Face Emoji

Because cold and flu season is just around the corner.  Slash, it’s already here. Cough. Cough.

The Vulcan Salute Emoji

Because the Nerd Face emoji could not fully capture exactly how much of nerd you are.  #LiveLongAndProsper

The Chipmunk Emoji

Because they’re basically taking over UConn. Actually, that’s squirrels… close enough.

The Unicorn Emoji

Because we’re all five-year-old girls at heart, aren’t we?

The Popping-Bottles Emoji

Because the best way to celebrate any victory (from acing that midterm to winning a NCAA championship) is to pop a bottle of champagne.

The Popcorn Emoji

Because when sh*t’s getting good, you HAVE to break out the popcorn.

The Hot Pepper Emoji

Because sometimes we just feel a little spicy, you know?

The Mexican Food Emojis

Because now we can properly text people what we’re eating instead of wasting our time typing out the words “taco” or “burrito.” Side note: if this isn’t a sign that we need a Chipotle on campus, then I don’t know what is.

The Cheese Emoji

Because cheese. Enough said.

The Black Hole Emoji

Because sending the waving hand as a goodbye was getting pretty old. Now the most popular way to end a conversation will be by jumping into a black hole. (There’s some speculation here).

And last but definitely not least…

The Middle Finger Emoji

Because emoji lovers everywhere have been waiting for this very moment for years and it is finally here. Now you can flip off your friends without them getting too upset with you because how mad can someone actually get at an emoji text, anyway?

Which new emojis will make your “Frequently Used” tab, collegiettes?

Jackie is a senior at UConn studying Actuarial Science and Finance. She's low-key addicted to alternative breaks, Netflix and Lifesaver "Wint O Green" mints. In her free time, she enjoys ordering late night food, pretending to be sporty, and throwing impromptu dance parties in her room. You can find her on Twitter @xowackiejackie.