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What Not to Get College Students for Christmas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

We all want to get people gifts that they’ll love, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. It can be easy to fall into these traps that seem like a good gift for anyone, but actually make it look like you didn’t try at all.

1. Dorm room décor

If you know the person really well, this one might be okay. In general, most people don’t want someone else to choose something that they’ll have to look at every day. If you aren’t careful, you’ll get them something they’ll end up never using.

2. Novelty gifts

Sure there might be a great reaction at the party, but when it’s over the gift is something useless that they’ll never look at again. As funny as it might be, it isn’t a very thoughtful gift.

3. Anything that comes in a basket

There are exceptions to this, but most gifts that come in baskets are very generic, and the sort of thing that you get for someone who you have no idea what to get for them. If you’re close enough with them to give them a gift, you probably shouldn’t get them the same thing you would get for your grandparents or your mailman.

4. Gift cards

Not always a bad gift, but again, be careful with this one. Unless it’s for a store you know they shop at or one that’s in their area, it might end up buried in a drawer collecting dust.

5. A calendar

Sure, it’s a standard Christmas gift, but every college student has access to electronic calendars that are a lot more convenient for organizing schoolwork. Not to mention that most of us are environmentally conscious, and a paper calendar is wasteful. We can look at pictures of cute puppies online, so we don’t need them hanging on our walls.