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What Does Your Rainboot Style Say About You?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Rainy, mundane days may get you down, but one thing that can always brighten your day is cute rain gear!  Rain gear is not just a necessity at UConn, but a requirement.  Whether you like plain black rainboots (they match with all your outfits)  or loud colorful rainboots (so you can stand out) they express who you are.  Here’s what Her Campus UConn thinks your wellies say about you…

Floral Rainboots

You are cute and girly.  You love the spring, when most of the flowers are in bloom.  In your wardrobe, you can’t get enough of lace.  One fashion trend to try:  Peter Pan Collar.

Solid Colors

You are a plain jane, but that’s not a bad thing!  You like simplicity.  Most of your outfits will match with your wellies, which is a plus.  One fashion trend to try: Color Blocking.

Animal Print

You have a wild side.  You like experimenting with new fashion trends but you also have a unique style.  You like neon colors and red.  Fashion Trend to try:  Leather jackets.


You are loud and colorful.  Rain isn’t going to bring your day down! You have a unique flair that’s totally you, which includes experimenting with colors and patterns.  Fashion Trend to try: Tribal Prints.

Polka Dot

You are fun and kooky! Fashion Trend to try: You already have one of fall’s biggest fashion trends with your polka dot boots, but pair those boots with a pair of colored jeans and you will be a total trendsetter!

My name is Ashley Dostie and I am the current Editor in Chief for the Her Campus branch at the University of Connecticut. I am a journalism and public relations double major and I am looking forward to expanding and publicizing this amazing online magazine come fall semester!