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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Coconut oil has become the moment’s most obsessed about natural beauty staple. Here is a list of ways to incorporate coconut oil into your every day beauty habits, including a few DIYs. 

Makeup Remover

  • Massage the oil into your skin in a circular motion all over your face to remove makeup.  The oil does a great job breaking down waxy, inky eye makeup, and leaves the delicate area hydrated too. Once you’re done, wash your face as usual.


  • Smooth the oil all over your face and body. It will remove dead skin cells and any rough or flaky texture from your skin’s surface to give you a glow. Plus, coconut oil has anti-aging qualities.

Shaving Balm

  • Due to the lubricating nature of coconut oil, it makes for a great shaving balm. Coconut oil is inexpensive, naturally antimicrobial, and smells divine. Plus, its skin-soothing properties will leave your legs looking hydrated.

Hair Care

  • Coat your hair heavily with coconut oil and sleep with it in overnight then wash your hair in the morning. If you don’t have the time, mix coconut oil and honey for a hair mask and let it sit in for 30 minutes or so and then wash your hair as normal.

Oil Pulling

  • Oil pulling is a health remedy that uses oil to detoxify your body and clean your teeth and mouth. Put a teaspoon of oil into my mouth. Swish the oil around for 20 minutes. Spit the oil into the kitchen trash or a small plastic baggy and discard.  Don’t spit in sink or tub because oil can clog pipes overtime. Brush your teeth.

Cuticle Softener

  • Using your finger, swipe a small amount of the oil onto each of your cuticles and allow it to sink in. The coconut oil will strengthen your nails and hydrate the delicate cuticle skin, making your hands look more youthful.


  • Dab a little liquified coconut oil onto the tops of your cheekbones, cupid’s bow and just above eyebrows for hydrated skin that looks lit from within. Apply onto bare skin or on top of makeup. You can apply powder highlight over top.

Treat Cuts and Scrapes

  • Coconut oil forms a thin antiseptic and antibacterial layer that protects the wound from dust and germs. Plus, it speeds up the healing process by increasing cellular turnover and stimulating collagen.

Foot Treatment

  • Dry, cracked feet? Rub some coconut oil and go over the flaky areas with a pumice stone. For an intense treatment, slather on the oil, put an old pair of socks and leave overnight.

Treat Eczema

  • The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of organic virgin coconut oil make it an excellent soother for eczema sufferers. Just apply it lightly on the affected area 3-4 times a day


  • Coconut Oil Spa: Soak in a bath with a 1/3 cup of coconut oil, lavender oil drops and Epsom salts. It will moisturize your skin and relax you.
  • Lip Scrub: Mix equal parts sugar and coconut oil and you’ll have a perfect scrub.
  • Body Scrub: Mix coconut oil with ground coffee and brown sugar.
  • Makeup Brush Cleaner: You can use a DIY cleanser that’s two parts antibacterial soap and one part coconut oil.
  • Deodorant: Mix coconut oil with arrowroot powder, cornstarch, baking soda, and a scented oil for a DIY odor fix.

Tip: Always buy unrefined, extra virgin coconut oil, since it is the least processed and is closest to its natural state. 


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