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The Top 3 Halloween Movies to Watch This Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Though the calendar doesn’t quite say October 31st, I think we can all agree that the Halloween season is upon us! What’s a better way to get into the spirit than cozying up to some not-so-scary Halloween movies? Below I have compiled three Halloween classics that are guaranteed to get you in the spirit— without keeping you up at night!

1. Hocus Pocus

When the film was first released almost 30 years ago, in 1993, it didn’t receive raving reviews. But with re-runs and streaming services, it’s become a cult classic. This Halloween staple follows the story of a brother and sister living in Salem, Massachusetts. On Halloween night, the two visit an abandoned house, hearing the story of the trio of witch sisters that once lived there. After not taking the story too seriously, older brother Max frees the coven of the witches. As the film goes on, the sibling duo must do everything they can to make sure the three witches don’t become immortal. Staring silver screen actresses, Sarah Jessica Parker, Bette Midler, and Kathy Najimy, it’s become a must-watch. No matter how old you are, you can never get enough of this comedy that puts us in the spooky spirit in every witch way!

2. Halloween Town

Is it really Halloween if you haven’t watched “Halloweentown” at least once? Not to be biased… but to be totally biased, this might be the official movie of the season. Released in 1998, it’s the perfect cheesy yet endlessly rewatchable movie. The film follows the life of Marnie Piper and her not-so-normal family. Marnie and her siblings had never been allowed to fully celebrate Halloween and on her 13th birthday, she finally finds just why that is. She comes from a line of witches, and she too is a witch. As the film goes on her grandmother Aggie, played by the talented Debbie Reynolds, is introduced. Not only is her grandmother also a witch, but she calls “Halloweentown” home. Halloweentown is full of supernatural creatures that Marnie and her grandmother will eventually have to work together to save from being taken over by evil. If you happen to catch a re-run this Halloween season, give it a watch because I think we can all agree with Marnie when she says…

3. Twitches

What’s better than one witch? Two, of course… and they’re twins! Here’s the scoop on Disney‘s original Twitches, released in 2005 and starring Tia and Tamera Mowry. The film follows two twins leading separate lives, completely unaware of each other until their 21st birthday. When the girls unite, the powers they never knew they had come out in full force. Together they begin the search for their biological mom and fight the evil that’s threatening their homeland, all while learning more about each other and where they came from. This movie is guaranteed to bring back some good childhood memories and remind you that two are always better than one!

As the countdown to Halloween continues, make sure to stock up on candy, a cute costume, and of course add these throwbacks to your watch list. Enjoy the spooky season!

Gianna is a sophomore at the University of Connecticut studying Communication. She enjoys shopping, getting coffee, and taking pictures (mostly of her dog)! Gianna enjoys writing about anything from fashion, to music, or relatable lifestyle content specifically for college aged women. In her future Gianna hopes to start a career in public relations and/or marketing. She has always had a passion for writing and believes that HerCampus is an incredible outlet for other women with the same passion! In her free time Gianna loves spending time with friends, staying active, and taking millions of sunset pictures.