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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Though October may be over, there’s still plenty of time before winter starts! Of course, that means that I’ve got book recs that are perfect for this time of year. Whether you’re more into romance, looking for a mystery, or something more mature, I think there’s a little bit for everyone in these three fall recs! 

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

I’m recommending another Colleen Hoover book; shocking, I know, but hear me out. The book begins on November 9th, right before Fallon’s big move across the country. Here she meets Ben, and after hitting it off but not wanting to hold the other one back, they come up with an arrangement. Every year on November 9th, they will meet at the same place and the same time for five years until both of them turn 23. However, as the years pass by and their feelings develop, they realize that their lives will be forever changed. Since it’s a Colleen Hoover book, get ready for some great writing and lots of emotions. From crying to laughing and some strong chemistry between the two main characters, this is a great one to read as the leaves fall! 

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

The Secret History follows Richard as he moves away to attend the prestigious Hampden College. Here, he takes notice of five students who seem to share a love of Latin and the classics. As Richard becomes more curious about the group, he gets closer and closer until he commits murder with them (as told in the first sentence of the book). So, right away, we know that someone is dead and one of the Latin students killed him. The only thing that we’re missing is why they killed him. Filled with twists and turns, along with an unbe-leaf-able ending that will leave your jaw on the floor, this book will keep you at the edge of your seat. 

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus

One of Us is Lying has got to be my favorite book. It’s a combination of The Breakfast Club and Pretty Little Liars. We’re introduced to five high school students that walk into detention but only four of them come out alive. Each with a possible reason to murder the fifth one, who did it and why? I stayed up until 2:30am finishing this book because I simply could not put it down. It has incredible characters with engaging writing and the single best plot twist that I’ve ever read. There is nothing quite like it, so if you’re looking for a good fall mystery, you’ll definitely like this one. 

I hope you give these books a try before it starts snowing. Enjoy!

Maria Perdomo Barrios is an undergraduate sophomore at the University of Connecticut. She is a political science major on the pre-law track. Maria was born in Bogota, Colombia, but has lived in the U.S. since she was nine years old. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family as well as reading and traveling.