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Ten Ways to Procrastinate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

“College is the best four years of your life.” Sure, we’ve all heard it. But what some people tend to leave out is the constant stress of exams and studying. However, it can take some serious will power to keep studying instead of putting down our textbooks and watching Netflix.

With that being said, every college student knows the struggle of procrastination. Sometimes we have no particular task in mind, but anything sounds better than schoolwork. Here are ten things you can do instead of doing your schoolwork.

1.  Watch Netflix

Why do work when you can snuggle up in bed watching Gossip Girl or Greys Anatomy?

2.  Online shopping

We may all be broke college students, but why not blow our last dollar as we also avoid all of our collegiate responsibilities?

3.  Take a nap

Lets face it, we are all sleep deprived. It’s just a fact of life when it comes to college. So catch up on some Zzz’s instead of doing your schoolwork.

4.  Eat some food

Maybe you haven’t eaten in forty-five minutes. You can always take a study break to recharge yourself with some snacks.

5.  Go hang out with a friend

If we are being honest, all of our friends are probably trying to avoid doing school work also. Go hang out with them and turn procrastination into a group activity.

6.  Take some online quizzes

You have some time to kill. Go read your horoscope or find out what your name really means on one of the internet’s many quizzes.

7.  Clean your entire room/Reorganize everything you own

Your room can always use a good cleaning, especially when it means avoiding schoolwork.

8.  Check every social media app. Multiple times.

Check up on social media and see what is happening in the world. Who cares if you have assignments due at 11:59 PM?

9.  Give your mom a call

Your mom misses you. Why not give her a call and catch up for a while instead of doing all of your homework and studying for those exams?

10.  Do a face mask, paint your nails, or both.

You’ve been hard at work all semester. Your skin and your nails will thank you for taking the time to work on them.