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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Every college student knows the struggle of having to function on little to no sleep. With the constant flow of exams and finals right around the corner, sleeping seems to be the furthest thing from our minds.

While many of us turn to coffee as a sort of pick-me-up, others walk around looking like we just walked off the set of The Walking Dead. Either way, coffee is not always the best option for your health. Luckily, here are ten tasty alternatives to drinking coffee for the tired college student.

1. Green Tea

Green tea has the same benefits as coffee without the caffeine jitters. Because, lets face it, coffee can make us all a little crazy. 

2. Ginseng Tea

Ginseng tea is known to stimulate your brain and help you stay focused for those long, treacherous study days.

3. Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice is high in antioxidants that will boost your metabolism and will give you more energy to study for those exams.

4. Coconut Water

Coconut water is low in fat and sugar which makes it healthy and gives you a natural burst of energy at the same time.

5. Aloe Water

Aloe water detoxifies your body as well as supports your immune system. It sounds strange, but actually tastes delicious.

6. Smoothies 

Smoothies are high in antioxidants that will help your skin as well as give you a delicious way to kick start your day.

7. Hot Chocolate

Yes! A warm cup of delicious hot chocolate can be a healthier alternative to coffee in the morning.

8.  Quinoa Milk

Quinoa milk is rich in protein which helps your muscles and acts as a natural energy drink.

9. Chai Tea

Chai tea is full of spices that jolt you awake in the morning.

10. Warm Water with Fruit 

Typically made with lemon, but warm water with fruit in it is high in antioxidants and helps detoxify your body as well as gives you energy.

Now you have ten healthy alternatives to drinking coffee in the morning and are prepared to take on those late night study sessions!