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Spring Break: From Home Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

As midterms roll around the corner, I’d like to think I’m not the only one who has spring break at the forefront of my mind — a time to relax after the whirlwind that is the beginning of the spring semester. With spring break often comes vacation, but vacations come with a price tag! I think most of us college students can agree that there’s little to no funding for spring break vacations this year…so here are four ideas to keep all of us busy this spring break (while at home)!

1) Plan a day trip

Being home every day over break gets old…fast. Spice it up by adding in a few day trips — whether that’s hopping on the train into the city, driving down to the beach, or getting in the car with a few friends and driving around until you find the perfect spot to have a little outdoor lunch. Day trips can be just as fun as a vacation, without the price tag.

2) try out new RESTAURANTS

For me, the highlight of being back home is always the food, taking some much-needed time away from the dining halls! A fun activity with friends or family can be trying new spots to grab lunch or a quick coffee. Trying out some good food while supporting local small businesses is always the best way to go.

3) staying active

The absolute best time to get a good workout in is when you’re not stressing about assignments and exams! Try to get in a little exercise each day this spring break. Hit the gym before you start your day, try a new workout class, or take a walk outside — weather depending of course. Taking advantage of your free time in a healthy and fun way is a perfect way to spend your spring break!

4) pick up a new hobby

With trying to balance work and social life here on campus, picking up new hobbies or maintaining old ones can be tricky. Even though break is only about a week, there’s plenty of time to try something new to bring back to campus with you. Try picking up a new book series, finding new artists to listen to, or creating a new delicious coffee concoction! A break from campus gives us all time to find something new we love and make it a part of our daily routines.

I hope I was able to remind you that there’s no need to hop on a plane this spring break; you can absolutely still have fun while saving a few bucks!

Gianna is a sophomore at the University of Connecticut studying Communication. She enjoys shopping, getting coffee, and taking pictures (mostly of her dog)! Gianna enjoys writing about anything from fashion, to music, or relatable lifestyle content specifically for college aged women. In her future Gianna hopes to start a career in public relations and/or marketing. She has always had a passion for writing and believes that HerCampus is an incredible outlet for other women with the same passion! In her free time Gianna loves spending time with friends, staying active, and taking millions of sunset pictures.