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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

As the cooler weather approaches us, dressing cute for class can seem impossible. However, wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts still has potential for a little bit of spice. A few subtle touches are sometimes all you need to feel your best, even if dressing down is a more comfortable option. Here are a few tips to help you feel and look your best, even when you have zero motivation.

Bluelight glasses

Wearing glasses can add such a fun touch to an outfit. With different shapes, sizes, and colors, glasses can change a look completely. Even if you don’t need glasses or have a prescription, blue light glasses are a fun accessory that add a little fun to an outfit. Not only are blue light glasses cute looking, but they are also beneficial your eyes! If you find yourself staring at computer and phone screens all day, blue light glasses could be the perfect purchase that are not only fun, but helpful in protecting your eyes from potential eye damage from prolonged screen exposure.


Sometimes all a casual outfit needs is some pretty jewelry to spice it up. Wearing a sweatshirt with pretty hoops or subtle little rings is sometimes all you need to make yourself feel a little more put together on days where you have barely any motivation. Whether you prefer dainty earrings or more dangly ones, all you need is a little peak of sparkle to add some spice to your sweatpants look. Your earrings don’t have to be Dior either. Some of the cutest earrings can be found on Amazon for great prices.

Matching Set

Wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants can be drastically upgraded if turned into a matching set! Matching sweatpants paired with the same colored sweatshirt can make you feel so much more put together and so much more color-coordinated. While still feeling casual and relaxed, a matching set can upgrade your look and have you feeling your best on your least-motivated days. A matching set will have you looking chic and ready for the day, even if you just rolled out of bed.


An accessory as simple as a thick headband just adds a little extra to a relaxed outfit. A change in hairstyle is always a fun idea, especially something chic like a headband can make a bland outfit feel so much more dressed up. A headband can be different colors and worn with different hairstyles. A ponytail, braid, or just your hair down paired with a headband can change your look and make you feel a lot more put together. Headbands like the one pictured can be purchased on amazon.

Tabitha is a sophomore at Uconn majoring in Journalism, hoping to minor in American Sign Language. She is planning on becoming a journalist, concentrating in magazine writing for the fashion and beauty industry. Tabitha loves to write, go to the gym, and spend time with friends in her free time.