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Sick in Storrs As Told By the Kardashians

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Well, its that time of year again. In every class theres the lovely sound of constant sniffling. Oh, you didn’t hear what the professor said? Probably because the person in front of you in lecture is having a coughing attack. We’ve all been there and it is awful. The Kardashians seem to understand what its like to be sick here in Storrs, so we will let them explain it for you.

Wishing your mom could just come take care of you

Lets be real. Mom always know which medicines to take and what brand of tissues to buy.

Going to McMahon to get soup and all they have is something that resembles spinach in a chunky broth

Is it too much to ask for some chicken noodle?

The lovely red ring you get around your nose from blowing it too much

And it seems to stay forever.

Emailing one of your professors to say you are sick, but they want to see a note from the infirmary

Let’s hope we can actually make it there…

Having to make up all the work that you miss 

The one day of class you miss always seems to be day when there is new material, new assignments, and super confusing reading.

Trying to hold in your coughs during class so you don’t annoy your classmates
