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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Name: Samantha Schaaf

Grade: Sophomore

Major: Pre-Teaching for Elementary Math Education

Program: Community Outreach Alternative Breaks (Spring Relief to New Orleans)


What is your program?

Alternative Breaks are a service-learning experience that can give you first hand knowledge of social issues that plague different areas of the country. Some of them are weekend long and others are a full week. The specific trip I am going on is going to New Orleans and focusing on Urban Poverty as an aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

What are your responsibilities?

As a Team Leader, I will be working with the student Trip Directors in interviewing potential participants, researching topics on the area, and other general prep for the trip. Once participants are chosen and Pre-Trip meetings start, I will eventually have my own team within the larger group. My job will be to help them reflect on their experiences and the information that they are learning to ensure that they are gaining as much as possible out of the trip. On the trip, my team will mostly stick together and it will be my job to motivate and hopefully inspire all of them to continue on with other service opportunities once the trip is over.

Why did you choose to lead this program?

Last year, as a freshmen, I went on my first alternative break trip to Memphis, Tennessee. I had a life changing experience. It’s an experience, however, that I have found difficult to put into strong enough words to convey just how powerful the effect of the trip was. I knew that I wanted to go on another trip, but I thought that being in this position would give me the opportunity to show participants just how remarkable of an experience they can get. I wanted to inspire others in the same way I was inspired, in hopes that they will continue on and do wonderful things and then maybe inspire even more people.

What would your advice be to others…?

First of all, if you’re interested and considering anything service related, do it! But I would say the most important piece of advice is to go in energetic and with an open mind and an open heart. Sit back and reflect on the service you’ve done. Let the significance of everything you learn and experience sink in and use that to drive your own passions. Then use the passions to lead others to finding their own passions and just help keep the cycle going.

What is something that has challenged you thus far?

Believing in myself. I have always felt that people who believed in me must not have seen the real me. I always felt like I was not capable of all the things people told me that I was. That definitely applied in this situation as well. I was afraid to even attempt to take on this position, despite being told by people close to me that I would do well, but here I am. My advice to everyone is despite the insecurities you may have about yourself, despite who may have torn you down in the past, believe in yourself! If there is something that you are passionate about, being YOU is enough to pursue it. Believe in yourself and your abilities, push yourself even further than you think you are capable, and you can accomplish anything that you want.