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Reasons To Skip Nickel Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

I’m sure we all can agree that certain aspects of nickel night make us want to tear our eyes out, throw a hissy fit, make bad decisions, never go back, etc. But somehow, Thursday rolls around and you find yourself in line at 6:30pm. For those of you who braved the doors of Huskies last night and are still reaping the consequences, this one may not be for you (or maybe it is and you succumbed to peer pressure). Fortunately, for those of you who decided to sit this nickel out, I want you to know you’re not alone!

1. Patiently waiting in line (and by line I mean a mob) is torture.

2. Inevitably, you WILL be cut by 27 girls/guys, please stop that.

3. Is it really a bargain?

$6 cover + $1 + $1 + $1 … = $9. Then nickel is over and oh! I need beer(s)!! = $20 Finally, your friend drags you away, but now Huskies is conveniently located directly above Sgt. Peps!!! OF COURSE, I NEED A PIZZA! = $30. Almost forgot… there’s no way I’m walking home… Grand total, roughly = $35…

4. The bathroom. Getting locked out of it. No toilet paper in it. The list goes on.

5. Sleep.

6. The shoving. People, we are all trying to accomplish the same goal here, which is getting our cups to the bar! Let’s work together!

7. People stealing your cups. Just stop. 

8. #TGIT – Shondaland aka Grey’s Anatomy and How to Get Away with Murder…..

9.  A girl can drink only so many Dirty Shirleys!!

10.  It’s a game of Hide-and-Seek. The creepy guy you accidentally gave one dance to is the seeker and you, you are the hider.

11.  My SHOES! Ruined.

12.  The morning after. Greasy hair and dark circles seem to be the trend for Fridays.

Nickel night is like a really, really bad relationship – you two are not meant to be together, but “it’s college and we’re young,” so you can’t get enough. With that being said, I will see you all at Saturday night nickel!



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