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uconn football game with band on field
uconn football game with band on field
Photo by Maggie Brand
Life > Experiences

Preparing For Senior Year: Ways To Calm The Senior Scaries

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

As the 2023-2024 academic year is coming to an end, the senior scaries are in full swing for all of the rising seniors. As cliche as it sounds, I simply cannot believe how fast these past three years have flown by. Although I am extremely grateful for all I have done since freshman year, I still feel as though there is so much in store for me during my last year at the University of Connecticut. I am both excited yet nervous for the upcoming year and all of the bittersweet moments that are going to occur, so I decided to write this article to sort of calm my anxieties. Here is my take on things one could do during the summer in preparation for the last year of college.

1. create a bucket list

Nine months can fly by and so often people find themselves wishing that they had more time or could go back and do something differently. To help cover everything you wish to cover, make a bucket list. My friends and I got a poster board and titled it “25 Things To Do Before 2025.” It spanned from typical things every UConn student has to do to very niche things that we have as inside jokes. I already feel as though having this list will keep us excited and give us ideas for things to do when we get bored. 

2. solidify a schedule

Lately I have noticed that I have been benefiting from having a schedule. I know when I am going to do my homework, go to the gym, hang out with my friends, etc. This summer, I am going to set up a loose schedule to best prepare me for the year ahead. I suggest that anyone who feels anxious for an upcoming year to make a schedule and alot time for certain priorities. This way, it is easier to make sure you can do everything that you need and want to do. It may help keep you grounded and confident in your activities. 

3. Go easy on yourself

Life happens at different speeds for different people. Everyone is on their own path. It is important to give yourself grace and not compare yourself to other people. As senior year is underway, people are going to start getting jobs, finishing their degree, etc. It is important to not compare your journey to other people. You never know what one’s circumstances are. Comparison is the thief of joy and it is bad for one’s mental health to be worried about if you are doing the right things. Try your best and go easy on yourself. Enjoy the processes and know that everything works out on one’s own timing. 

4. soak up everything

Time doesn’t stop. As I am writing this in my junior dorm, I cannot believe that this year is wrapping up. I am no longer going to be on campus as my friends and I are living in a house next year. I cannot believe that this chapter of my life is ending. It is imperative to enjoy every single moment. These are the good old days that we will be looking back on fondly. So soak in the moments and enjoy everything. 

uconn basketball game
Photo by Maggie Brand

These suggestions can be applicable to everyone, anywhere. It is important to soak up moments no matter what stage of life that you are in. Whether you’re wrapping up high school, college, or another big milestone, these suggestions can help you stay grounded, productive, and content in your time.

Sophie McAvay is a member of the U Conn Her Campus chapter. She is a junior majoring in Human Development and Family Sciences. In her free time she loves to read, run, listen to music, and hang out with friends and family.