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The Perfect Halloween Costume Based On Your Zodiac Sign

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

So it’s finally Halloweekend but you still need another costume (because who can be the same thing twice?) but you have no idea what to be. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of the perfect character-based costumes for every sign in the zodiac.Halloweekend but you still need another costume (because who can be the same thing twice?) but you have no idea what to be. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of the perfect character-based costumes for every sign in the zodiac.

Aries: Harley Quinn

Aries are known for their energetic and courageous attitude, however, they also can be impulsive, and quick-tempered at times. Therefore, who better to be than Harley Quinn? While it’s true Harley Quinn is going to be one of this year’s most popular costumes, it was destined for you, Aries.

Taurus: Wonder Woman

Tauruses are known for being patient and reliable, but when you get mad, you get mad. People respect you, and they know that if they test you, they’ll probably get hurt. Therefore, the only costume for you is one of the baddest women out there…. Wonder Woman.

Gemini: Mystique

Geminis are known for their adaptability and their versatility. However, this often makes them inconsistent at times, too. What better way to show this than by being a shape-shifter? Mystique from the X-Men is the best shape-shifter we know of. Of course, maybe it is a little tricky to pull off that costume, but you’re adaptable and love a challenge.     

Cancer: An Emotion from Inside Out

Nothing says emotional more than a Cancer. You’re susceptible to feeling things a little bit too hard and this can sometimes make you a little moody. Don’t worry, that’s not a bad thing, it just means you care. Since your emotions control you, what better costume than an emotion? Sadness and Joy are definitely the best fit, but if you prefer Disgust or Anger, well…that’s your choice.

Leo: Leslie Knope

Leo, you’re a boss. And by that I mean you love to be in charge. While some may see this as you being “bossy”, the truth is that you’re just good at it. No one can keep things running as well as a Leo can. But you’re not all work, you have a creative side as well, which is how you keep everyone on their toes. No one fits the bill for this as well as Leslie Knope. Her optimism and ability to manage things are all part of her success.

Virgo: Belle from Beauty and the Beast

You’re a classic girl Virgo, so it’s only fitting that you be a classic character. You’re known for being practical and intelligent. You’re the kind of girl who’s more likely to meet a Prince Charming than a frog (lucky you). So, therefore, you should definitely be Belle– not yellow-dress Belle (been there, done that!) you want to be simple and beautiful, blue-dress Belle.

Libra: Supergirl

Libras are known for their idealistic views on life. You know they’re bad things in the world, but who’s to stop you from dreaming of something better? But people often take you the wrong way, Libra. It’s not that you ignore the bad things, it’s that you want to make a change without having to be brooding or sad. Therefore, you’re Supergirl! You’re kicking bad-guy butt and nothing can turn your frown upside down.

Scorpio: Jessica Rabbit

Anyone who knows a Scorpio knows that they’re passionate. However, they’re often associated with being venomous as well. Hey, you can’t help it, it’s your sign. You aren’t as bad as people say you are, but people just love assuming things about you. You don’t care though because you know you’re flawless. The best costume for a Scorpio is definitely Jessica Rabbit. She’s a woman who knows what people think of her, but the truth is, who cares? She knows her truth, and that’s all that matters.

Sagittarius: Chanel from Scream Queens

If you’re a Sagittarius, you’re honest. Yeah, it hurts the people around you sometimes, but you know that it’s better to be straightforward. People see your attitude as entitled, but they just can’t get over how awesome you are. Chanel from Scream Queens is not only perfect for that spooky Halloween theme, but she’s also known for her blunt honesty that sometimes makes her a little irresponsible and superficial… does that ring a bell?

Capricorn: Katniss Everdeen

Capricorns are strong women who love everyone deeply and unconditionally. You fight for those who cannot fight for themselves and you take on challenges that are sometimes too big for you. This Halloween, channel your inner Katniss Everdeen because Capricorn women are truly girls on fire.


Aquarius: Serena van der Woodsen from Gossip Girl

Aquarii are known to be good at moving on from their mistakes, even when it’s not a little mistake, and being determined to be a better person. While some people see you as unemotional, the truth is that you don’t want anyone to hurt you. Your inner Aquarius compels you to be a character we all know and love, Serena from Gossip Girl.

Pisces: Miss Universe

Pisces, you’re known for your imagination and your ideal views on life. Unlike Libras, sometimes you do forget about the real world, but that’s because you have a vision that others sometimes cannot see. Your costume this year? Miss Universe. While being the center of attention isn’t always your thing, a chance to move forward and spread your views is.

Whichever Halloween costume you choose, remember to have fun and stay safe!