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An Open Letter to Readers of HC UConn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Hello readers,

My name is Chelsea Bast and I’m the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus UConn.

My team of writers, editors, and photographers wants to welcome you to our site and are so grateful you’ve stopped by! For all things about the University of Connecticut, Her Campus UConn is a great place to find out information and perspectives from real UConn women.

As a freshman, I felt that I wasn’t making the most out of my UConn experience. Somehow I discovered Her Campus UConn and I was hooked! Not only would I read about our chapter, I felt like I was learning so much about the school, as well as fashion, beauty, and music in general. I quickly wanted to join and now as a junior, I’m proud to represent Her Campus UConn as a liaison between our chapter and the national Her Campus Media.

This past summer, a few of my team members and I met up in New York City for the second annual Intercollegiette Her Conference held by Her Campus Media. There we learned how to strengthen our team, ways by which women became entrepreneurs and especially how to follow our dreams.

Her Campus UConn wants to thank the sponsors of the event, which include Amtrak, Chipotle, Intel for powering the event, BCBG Generation, as well as many other companies.

To UConn students interested in becoming a part of the team, please e-mail me at chelseabast@hercampus.com or stop by a meeting on Wednesdays at 6pm in Koons Hall 201!

We’re looking forward to providing the UConn community with another year of Her Campus UConn.

Chelsea Bast, Campus Correspondent