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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

General Predictions for the Month

During the month of November, the planet of Mars will be in retrograde meaning that we may start to feel extremely burnt out or unmotivated if we have been pushing ourselves too hard. Mars is a planet that does not fall into retrograde often meaning that we will feel the effects much stronger than most planets in retrograde. This being said, be kind to yourself this month especially towards the end of the month as finals creep around the corner.

Another important event happening this month is Jupiter stationing direct in Pisces. This is also a rare event meaning that we need to make the most of the energy that comes from it. During this time, we may have strong spiritual revelations and come to new understandings about ourselves and the world around us. This new-found wisdom will help us to navigate an ever-changing world.

Sagittarius season is in full effect this month as Venus (November 15), Mercury (November 17), and the sun (November 22) move into Sagittarius simultaneously. With all this being said if you have a lot of Sagittarius in your chart, you will greatly feel the effects of these changes this month. You may feel a newfound sense of adventure and spontaneity. This is your month to try something new and experiment in ways you’ve always dreamed of. There is nothing holding you back this month.

This month will also consist of a lunar eclipse in Taurus which generally signifies an end. Although this kind of closure can be difficult to understand at first, there will be something waiting on the other side. A closed door will only open up another door. This eclipse may align with your struggle with dealing with self-worth and confidence so it is important to be gentle with yourself during this month and allow yourself to heal.

Read on for November horoscopes for your specific zodiac sign!

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Your romantic relationships could become more stressful as a result of Mars’ retrograde. You may feel a separation between you and your significant other from this stress. However, your friends and family will be there for you in major ways. You should take this time to reflect on yourself as well because you can consider it as a perfect chance to deal with your prior experiences. Being patient with your past, present, and future selves is crucial.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You might go through a lot of ups and downs in November. However, all of your relationship troubles will be fixed, and your love life will be peaceful. Your significant other and you will spend a lot of time together and develop a deeper relationship. Through difficult times, you will both encourage one another. This month may stir up some conflicts between you and your family, but they will be resolved by the end of the month. This month is characterized by a lengthy waiting period, but by the month’s end, you’ll see that something greater is on the horizon.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You may have to put your morals and ideals to the test this month. However, you will benefit from authenticity if you remain true to your principles. If you stick true to yourself, you’ll have a fulfilling and prosperous life in all aspects— financially, personally, and romantically. This month, you will also develop a lot of confidence and bravery that will help you get through the midterm season. Don’t give up on your tests just yet; you might end up getting paid well for the effort you put in this month.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Although this month may seem quite unproductive at first, it will actually turn out to be quite fruitful towards the end of the month. November is all about becoming your authentic self. You’ll finally enjoy the benefits of all you’ve been striving for, and you’ll be free of all the extra weight you’ve been attempting to shed. Even if some relationships end during this journey, just remember that everything will work out for the best. Apply your newly acquired knowledge to any difficulties you may encounter this month.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

This month, you might have to evaluate your beliefs and sense of reality in detail. Under tough circumstances, it may be challenging to uncover the truth, but it’s crucial to follow your instincts and ignore the distorted reality. There may be a lot of conflict between you and your loved ones this month. Your tolerance for and faith in this person will be put to the test. Don’t let your emotions cloud your vision of the situation’s truth.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You may go through a lot of social change this month. It’s important to understand that these shifts are normal, so try not to take anything personally. This month, you will confront a difficult challenge in learning to let go of people when they are no longer a good fit for you and your goals. It will be crucial that you put your own health and happiness first because you are the only person that is going to be in your life forever.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You might switch your career path this month. Follow your passions and believe in your instincts. In order to shape your future expectations, this month is all about reflecting on your inner child. This month, you’ll have to examine your priorities, so it’s critical that you stay true to yourself. During this month, you will spend a lot of time with your family, therefore it is crucial that you make the most of this precious time. Don’t allow it to keep you from strengthening your other relationships, though. Finding a balance in your life will be the focus of this month.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This month might not go according to your plan and that is okay. Failure can often serve as the best teaching tool. You might have to further reflect on what your parents expect of you. Making the most of life’s challenges will require you to reflect on your own passions and ignore any outside pressure. This month you’ll also need to explore where you fit in this world. Your well-being will undoubtedly improve as you realize your purpose in life.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Approach this month with creativity especially as you start to feel your stability being taken away from under you. Healing will require you to have a creative outlet to cope with these difficulties. Avoid making judgments in haste because doing so could lead to a lot of arguments with your loved ones. Having an open heart will undoubtedly help you maintain your sense of reality in times of difficulty.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This month has been marked by a long period of growth. This month, whatever you’ve been working on will pay off. You will experience a lot of change this month, but you must stay true to your roots. You must have faith in the process and make sure that you don’t compromise your authenticity. You are going through a waiting period this month, but by the end, you will have reached your full potential.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This month, you may have to deal with adjusting to a new environment. This adjustment to a new routine may take some time but you will find that near the end of the month, this adaption will prove to be for the better. Although you may have had difficulty dealing with change in the past, you will find yourself truly living in the moment this month and being at your happiest. However, this clarity may not come through to those you talk to this month and it may cause some difference in understanding at times. Do not let these misunderstandings ruin your new-found peace.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

This month could bring an end to a relationship or a project that you knew wasn’t meant to be. You may have felt stuck in this cycle but spending time with yourself this month will help you clear your mind. Analyzing your past may take a while but it will allow you a prosperous future. This month will not start off very prosperous for you but you will come out at the other end of the month on top of the world.

Emily Markelon is the Twitter and Facebook Chair for the University of Connecticut chapter of Her Campus. She writes a wide range of articles about topics such as mental health, environmentalism and pop culture. She is a junior environmental studies and journalism double major. When she is not writing for Her Campus, she loves going on walks, listening to music, and journaling.