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Is North Face the new Prada for Collegiettes?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

From our very first backpacks that our mothers excitingly picked out for our first trip to Kindergarten, to the torturous first days of middle school, girls have pre-determined the “cool” way to carry school supplies and books.

There were the days of backpacks with wheels, which made the allusion that we were carrying enough to take a short trip across the country, which was terribly untrue. Then we became a little more fashionable by switching to Vera Bradley totes, then to the backpack and purse days. Both were awkward and uncomfortable because let’s face it, who wants to carry both a purse and a backpack or attempt to stuff all your binders into a skinny tote? Or dig to the bottom to find a single pen? North Face backpacks have multiple compartments to store everything and keep you organized!

North Face has become increasingly popular over the past decade. It is convenient, comfortable and fashionable! Save your purse for that date you have this weekend and use your cute tote for a day at the beach or picnic on Horse barn Hill! When it comes to college, we all know comfort is key!

The color black is dominant in the world of fashion. Several fashion magazines tell readers that black makes you appear slimmer; more clean cut and even more professional. Majority of the North Face backpacks we see here on campus are solid black or grey. For those of you that have a bright colored backpack, you obviously dare to be different and who doesn’t love hot pink or aqua? Kudos to you girls for branching out! To all my fellow collegiettes who fashion North Face around campus just know that you are making more of a fashion statement everyday walking to class then you may even realize! So, toss those notes and textbooks in and own it!


Erin is a journalism and communications student at the University of Connecticut who loves to learn about all aspects of magazine journalism and believes magazines are the perfect form of free expression. Erin is normally found holding a copy of Vogue, Seventeen or Elle and is constantly following the latest trends from Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger. She always sets aside time in her day to have a good laugh, which usually includes reruns of Friends and Boy Meets World.