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My Tattoos Don’t Need Meaning

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

I want to start by saying if your tattoo(s) has personal meaning to you, that’s great. Seriously. It’s a cool feeling to commemorate something that means a lot to you in a permanent way. However, if you have a tattoo purely for aesthetic reasons, this one’s for you.

The other day I was at the doctor’s office. When the nurse listened to my heartbeat, she spotted the “mom” tattoo on my back. “What does the skull mean?” she asked.

I honestly didn’t know how to explain the meaning to her. “It’s a long story that has to do with my childhood,” I said. It’s tiring to explain to people over and over again the meaning it has to me.

“Well it has meaning, right? I don’t think you should get a tattoo unless it has meaning,” she replied. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. The nurse spotted my moth tattoo next. “This is nice! What’s the significance?”

“Nothing,” I said, “I just liked the design my tattoo artist drew.” She wasn’t sure what to say next.

We’ve all heard at least one person asking, “What does it mean?” “Who is it for?” “What does it represent?” after getting a new tattoo.  Many times I’ve felt slightly uncomfortable explaining to someone; “It means nothing, I just like it,” followed by the person’s disappointed look from the expectation of a special story behind it.

My moth tattoo design by Amanda Dawn


Tattoos have been, and still are to an extent, taboo. You may be viewed negatively by some if you’re heavily covered or can’t justify to them why you got your tattoos. For some reason, people expect a good reason since tattoos are permanent. However, if you like the design of the tattoo and you’ve thought it out, it really shouldn’t matter.

I stopped caring so much about what others thought of my tattoos when I heard the saying, “Your body’s a temple, but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate?” Yes, you’re stuck with the same body forever. It will change as you age, but you will live in the same skin, so why not decorate it the way that you want to? You shouldn’t have to worry about how others perceive the meaning behind your choice of decor.

The reason (or lack thereof) you got your tattoo doesn’t need the approval of others. It’s on your body, not theirs. Your decisions about what to put on your body do not affect others. Liking a tattoo is reason enough to put it on your body after you’ve considered the placement and design carefully. You are in charge of yourself, no one else.


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