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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Joey Homza, the “original” campus celebrity at UConn, has been making waves since his freshman year in 2007. Widely known across campus for his musical talent, engaging personality and internet presence, his name has become synonymous with social media.

Name: Joey Homza
Year: Senior
Major: Communications, Concentration in Social Media
Hometown: Stratford, CT


HC: What campus activities have you been involved in while at UConn?


JH: I’ve been involved in UCTV since my freshman year; today I’m the Director of Marketing. Over the years I have starred in the programs “Applause”, “Joey Homza: More Famous Than You”, and “Campus Daily”. I am also a long-time member of A Completely Different Note (CDN), an all-male a cappella group in which I am a tenor.


HC: Any additional activities off-campus?


JH: For the last ten years I have volunteered at the Kennedy Center, a not-for-profit rehabilitation agency in Trumbull, CT. The center supports special-needs children and adults. Each year, I visit to entertain the center’s members with a variety of comedy routines and musical performances. 


HC: Why is volunteering at the Kennedy Center so important to you?


JH: I enjoy making people smile. My audience at the center is amazing, unlike any other audience I have ever performed for. They aren’t afraid to speak up in the middle of a song and tell me what would be better, or to join in with enthusiasm. My performances never go as planned. The responses I get are always honest and “off-the-cuff”, which is great, because I consider myself to be spontaneous. I’ve continued volunteering there throughout the years because the members of the center never fail to be the most energetic, fun audience.


HC: You have become something of an icon around campus and are also well-known across the internet. What advice would you give others who are looking to achieve the level of fame you have attained?


JH: I would say to strive to do good work and deliver a fantastic product, don’t simply seek fame for the sake of seeking fame. For me, marketing my personality worked because a large part of my product IS my personality, outrageousness and all. I love making music because it conveys fun and energy, which are qualities I feel mirror my own personality.


HC: As a senior looking back on your college experience, do you have any words of wisdom you would like to impart upon incoming freshman?


JH: Don’t take things at face value; don’t listen to what people tell you. Think for yourself, and break social norms if you need to. Never live your life by what other people are telling you, determining your own experiences and reaching your own conclusions will make you a wiser, happier person.


HC: What will you miss the most about UConn?


JH: I love waking up in the morning and being able to accomplish everything in the day that I need to accomplish without ever having to walk farther than a mile in any direction.


HC: What do you have planned for after graduation?


JH: I’m actually working on an album with a group of producers in Los Angelos right now. I’m relying on the support of my fans to come up with the funding, and I am hopeful that I can release the album in July. I’m also looking at employment opportunities in television production. My goal is to continue entertaining the public as I have been doing for the past several years.


Click here to check out Joey’s progress on his album or donate funding. To watch the videos that have launched Joey into the public eye, visit his website

Bridget is a senior at the University of Connecticut majoring in journalism and anthropology. Between interning at The Hartford Courant/Fox CT and a nonprofit education agency during the week, she manages a website she founded about cooking quick, healthy meals for college students, and writes for Examiner.com about creating low-budget meals. She is a campus rep for BaubleBar jewelry, and served as a peer mentor to freshmen this year. Bridget studied abroad in London, and interned at a lifestyle magazine over the summer in Shanghai, China. Her free time is dedicated to scouring the Internet for discount designer shoes and following UConn and Boston sports. She's training for a half marathon this spring, which (at times) justifies her weakness for mint chocolate chip ice cream. She hopes to see every inch of the world someday, and maybe write about it too.