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I’m Getting Older: Embracing The Start Of Your 20s

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

On Nov. 8, 2023, I celebrated my twentieth birthday, said goodbye to my teenage years, and hello to the roaring twenties. At first, I was not excited about turning 20 at all. I saw it as the “death of my teen years” and felt so old in comparison to my summer birthday friends. Had I achieved all I wanted to in my teenage years? Did I check off all the things on my bucket list? Was the clock that is life truly ticking? These questions danced around my head in the months leading up to my birthday. But after a while of overthinking, something inside my brain clicked. This momentous event of turning twenty was not only an accomplishment, but a celebration. Yes, I am getting older. Yes, my teen years are over. But more importantly, I am entering a new era! Your twenties are all about finding yourself, establishing career goals, building up your relationships, traveling, and having fun. If you are feeling nervous about turning twenty sometime soon, do not fret. This article is for you.

The Silliness doesn’t Stop at 20!

A new phrase has emerged in the media where people will describe themselves as “teenage girls in their 20s.” This means that despite no longer being a teenager, you still appreciate the music, media, and shows that are popular with teenagers nowadays. It is important to remember that even when you are in your 20s or older your life can still be fun and silly. Be a teenager in your 20s! Gilmore Girls can still be your favorite show, Taylor Swift songs will still — and always — be relatable, and new fashion trends are still for YOU! Age is simply a number and it should not stop you from having fun. Continue to be silly and dilly-dally through life.

Great power = Great responsibility

With age comes more responsibility in life. Whether it’s traveling alone, starting your first job or internship, or moving out by yourself — life is always changing. These big adjustments can feel like scary or shocking, but they reflect how far you have come in life. Taking the steps to achieve these big accomplishments takes hard work, perseverance, and dedication. You made it this far, and that is something to celebrate. It is important to be proud of yourself when you celebrate a new year because each new year marks a year of finished goals, new memories, and lots of laughs. The new year will bring even more of what you want — and all of it is up to you. Think about what you want out of your 20s and manifest it to be true! At the end of the day, this is your life and you have to live it for YOU! Embrace this new sense of power and responsibility as you turn one year older.

girlhood is forever

No matter how old you are, you will always hold with you the person you were at every age. Your inner five, twelve, and 17-year-old is within you and will show in your personality when you need them most. Life is always changing, but your memories and favorite things remain constant. Hanging onto those pictures, TV shows, hobbies, and activities that define you are the best ways to feel okay about growing up. At the end of the day, happiness and fulfillment are good things to strive for no matter your age. Every year, I hope to be happy, surrounded by love, and proud of myself for being the person I am. As the sun sets on my teenage years, I look back with a ton of gratitude, joy, and nostalgia. At the same time, I walk into my future feeling hopeful, ready, and excited to experience new things during my 20s. So when the time comes to blow out the candles that end your teenage years, remember what was, and look forward to what’s to come.

Bailey celebrates her 20th birthday with her closest friends
Bailey Brake

U Conn '26

Bailey Brake is a sophomore at the University of Connecticut serving as Huskython Chair and Secretary for HerCampus UConn. Her love for writing, reading, and speaking originated when she joined a competitive public speaking organization at the age of 7. Since then, the art of words and diction and how they can influence others has been her passion. When she is not writing for HerCampus, she spends her time at UConn being a tour guide for incoming and prospective students. She also participates in Huskython -an 18-hour dance marathon raising money for Connecticut's Children's Hospital- as a morale dancer. She is currently double majoring in political science and human rights and hopes to make a difference in this world for the communities that need it. In her spare time, Bailey enjoys baking, listening to Taylor Swift, dancing, and a good debrief session with her friends. There is always time for a shopping trip, car ride jam sesh, and ice cream stop in Bailey's schedule.