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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

It’s fun to go out shopping with your friends, try on tons of clothes and buy the latest trends. Although it can be a bonding experience, spending your money on fast fashion can be harmful to the environment. 

Now that people are seriously considering the health and future of our planet, taking a look at what we own and our shopping habits can be first steps when working towards a more sustainable closet. 


1. Cleaning out your closet

The first step to take is to go through your clothes and decide what you want to keep. Perhaps try Marie Kondo’s method of removing everything from your closet and placing it in one pile. Go through piece by piece and ask yourself if it ‘sparks joy’. Only put things back in your closet if know you will wear it and it suits your style.

Once the items you want to keep are back in your closet, you should be left with a pile of clothes that you can sort into two piles; good and bad condition. 

For clothes that are in good condition, there are several options. They can be donated to a thrift store where they could be resold. Another idea is to ask your friends if they have any clothes that they are willing to trade. That way, clothes have the chance to live a whole new life. 

On the other hand, some clothes have been so worn down that they are no longer wearable. If that is the case, it is best to recycle them. Some brands allow you to bring back clothes you once bought from them and have them be recycled. Other stores, such as H&M, allow you to bring clothes of any brand, and they will recycle them. Research stores near you that will take your clothes!


 2. Shop responsibly  

Once cleaning out your closet, it is not an opportunity to run out and buy a new wardrobe.  From now on, focus on only buying the things you need. If you find yourself missing an item, make a list. Then, if you find yourself needing it on a regular basis, go out and purchase one that will last you a while. Buying clothes that will last over clothes that are cheap-but-trendy is much better for the environment.  

Another tip is to stop going to the mall when you are bored. Going to the mall with your friends is fun but staring at a bunch of clothes will most likely lead to a purchase that you don’t necessarily need. Now if you have a strong sense of self control and are able to look for fun then maybe this tip isn’t for you but there are a ton of other fun activities! 

Finally, you should educate yourself about the brands that you decide to purchase your clothes from. Research some of your go-to stores and see what they have been doing to lower their carbon footprint. You might want to research where they get their materials from and how they manufacture their clothes. For example, see if they use recycled materials and less water.

Cleaning out your closet and changing your shopping habits can be your first steps towards working toward a more sustainable closet! 


Gabriella is a senior at UConn who is a double major in journalism and communications. She also is a member of a few on campus clubs such as Project Fashion and the Outing Club. In her free time she enjoys painting, photography, and watching movies!