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galentine's day party
galentine's day party
Krista Stucchio

How To Celebrate Galentine’s Day On A College Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

It’s hard to believe that it’s already February. You know what that means: Valentine’s Day, but more importantly, Galentine’s Day is quickly approaching. Celebrated on February 13, Galentine’s Day is dedicated to your besties. No significant other required.

If you’re like me, I love being festive and celebrating any holiday, but it can get pricey. As much as I would love to have an extravagant dinner party with all of my girlfriends, my college budget isn’t going to cut it. Celebrating Galentine’s Day and showing your friends you care for them does not need to break the bank. I’ve compiled a list of some easy and affordable ways to celebrate Galentine’s Day with your besties!

Valentine’s Day Cards

Yes, I’m talking about the Valentine’s Day cards you would buy and make for your elementary school class. My roommate and I got them last year and made a card for all of our friends. It was such a fun and easy way to show our appreciation for them. It is such a fun surprise and it brightened everyone’s day. (Bonus points for healing your inner child.)

Chick flicks

What’s Galentine’s Day without some chick flicks? Whether it’s Legally Blonde, Valentine’s Day, Mean Girls, Bridesmaids, Clueless, Mamma Mia, or The Notebook, there are endless movies available to stream with your besties on Galentine’s Day.

Mean Girls phone scene
Lorne Michaels Productions

Self-care night

I believe that a self-care night is essential to a Galentine’s Day celebration, and you probably have everything for it already. It can include painting your nails, doing a face mask, or even throwing on some teeth-whitening strips. Show yourself some extra love this Galentine’s Day.

Board games

Recently, my friends and I have loved playing board games and card games. Whatever game you choose to play, this is a super easy and inexpensive way to have a lot of fun with your besties.


What’s a girl’s night without takeout? Pick your favorite food spot on campus (I love some good pizza personally) and enjoy your night in. You do not have to go out of your way to buy food, though. Baking cookies or having breakfast for dinner is super fun (and delicious) as well.

Friends Pizza College
Molly Longest / Her Campus

Valentine’s Day Candy

Along the lines of food, candy is essential for any Galentine’s (or Valentine’s) Day celebration. Your sweet tooth will thank you. Bonus points if you go back after Valentine’s Day to get the candy half off.

Matching PJ SETS

I have recently been getting into matching PJ sets, and I love them. They’re perfect for your Galentine’s Day celebration! Being both comfy and cute is such a win, what more can you ask for?

Dollar Tree Decor

Lastly, if you’re looking for some decor for your Galentine’s Day celebration, look no further than your local Dollar Tree. I have found that they always have such a good selection of holiday and seasonal decorations, and it fits perfectly into your college budget. Whether it’s for a DIY photo backdrop, balloons, or to set the table, look no further than Dollar Tree.

galentine\'s day party
Krista Stucchio

I hope that these ideas give you some inspo on how to celebrate your Galentine’s Day this year! Make sure to show your besties how much you love and care about them. <3

Emily Rostkowski is a senior at the University of Connecticut studying math and math education. She is a contributing writer to HerCampus UConn who enjoys writing on culture, fitness, lifestyle, and college topics. Aside from this, Emily is pursuing research in her field and has worked as a research assistant this past summer. She will begin full-time student teaching this spring in a high school mathematics classroom. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, working out, eating ice cream, trying new coffee shops, and attending UConn sporting events. Most importantly, she is a hot girl walk, Taylor Swift, and sugar cookie latte enthusiast.